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Production manager gets kudos for capital catering

2013 January 17
by HISD Communications

"Chef David" shows Rodriguez ES students how to use fruit as a garnish.

This week’s Shout-Out goes to Food Services Production Manager David Husbands, from his boss, Senior Administrator of Food Services Brian Giles.

“’Chef David,’ as he is known, is that really friendly face you see at any of our catered events,” said Giles. “He oversees all of the district’s catering, and he has handled things as simple as punch and cookies to very high-end functions for former First Lady Barbara Bush. He is a real asset. He is very customer-friendly, and he is always willing to work with people to make sure their event goes off smoothly.”

Other shout-outs this week go to:

  • Construction Project Manager Matisia Hollingsworth: She has stayed on top of everything that has transpired at Almeda since we left the campus to be rebuilt, including our return. There were issues after we moved with electrical and air-conditioning. She stayed on top of everything, including plumbing issues, landscaping in the front of our building, and magnetic door access, which helped us to keep our campus secure at all times. Almeda would not be the campus it is now without her assistance. She was the best person to guide us through the maze of building a new school and following up to make sure this campus will still be the cornerstone of this community. —Almeda ES Principal Beverly Cage
  • Teacher Development Specialist Team Lead Karla Auzenne: Ms. Auzenne is an expert science educator who leads her team of accomplished science coaches to continually build their knowledge of content and instruction. She creates innovative strategies for ensuring teachers are highly satisfied with their coaching and training experience and shares them across the organization, making her an exemplar of service. She also volunteers with the GeoForce program, which gives students an opportunity to join geologists in the field. She has served the district with dedication for 25 years, continually striving to improve secondary science education for our students. —Senior Manager of Teacher Development Gwen Tompkins
Know someone who deserves a shout-out? Send an email to with the subject line “Shout Out for eNews!” and tell us why.
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