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Discover Picasso in Black and White at MFAH

2013 February 14
by HISD Communications

Pablo Picasso, The Kiss, 1969

A new exhibit entitled “Picasso Black and White” is slated to open at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston’s Beck Building on Feb. 24, and educators who want to learn more about this gifted artist and his works can sign up for a special teachers’ workshop on Tuesday, Feb. 26.

Picasso is reported to have said that “color weakens,” and this workshop will give participants a chance to look at the artist’s exploration of media through monochromatic glasses. Simple printmaking techniques can be taken back to the classroom.

The class is designed for teachers of Grades 5–10. Click here to register.

Other learning opportunities:

The MFAH will also be offering the next session of its Learning Through Art series on Saturday, March 2. Through “Go Global,” participants can reach beyond the walls of their classrooms to discover how art from cultures such as China, Africa, and Central America can be used to teach math, language arts, and social studies.

Highlights include:

  • An investigation of how art and legends are intertwined in history through a hands-on art-making activity involving Native American sandpaper paintings;
  • The discovery of science at work in art through an investigative lab exercise;
  • The construction of a paper sculpture that demonstrates the mathematical concept of transformation geometry.

The class is designed for teachers of Grades 1–6. Click here to register.

For more information about MFAH’s programs, please visit its website. Descriptions of additional Learning Through Art workshops are here (.pdf).

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