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Hispanic Heritage Month begins Sept. 15

2013 September 12
by HISD Communications

Hispanic Heritage Month begins on Sunday this year, and HISD students will soon begin celebrating with festive folk dances, delicious food tastings, and other activities that explore the culture and traditions of people who trace their ancestors back to Spanish-speaking nations.

Initiated by the U.S. Congress as Hispanic Heritage Week more than 20 years ago, the celebration was expanded to a full 30 days in 1989. It takes place from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 each year because several Latin American nations achieved independence during that time period.

Be sure to check out HISD’s Facebook page and Twitter feed during that period, as the district will be highlighting one distinguished alumna/us or campus (named for a Hispanic leader) each day.

Here are some other dates you might want to mark on your calendar:

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