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Quick-thinking bus drivers use their training to defuse tense situation

2013 November 21
by HISD Communications

Captain Kizzee (left) and Felicia Henderson

This week’s Shout Out goes to bus driver Felicia Henderson and transportation attendant Captain Kizzee from Houston Educational Support Personnel President Wretha Thomas, who praised them for their quick thinking in defusing a recent altercation between students.

According to Transportation Services Senior Terminal Manager Tesha Foster, Henderson and Kizzee were transporting their charges to school one day last month when two students got into a verbal disagreement. The argument quickly escalated, and one student pulled out a knife.

“The professional and quick actions by Ms. Henderson and Ms. Kizzee not only defused the situation, but prevented other students on board from being harmed until the police arrived,” explained Foster. “They used the training provided by Transportation to help drivers/attendants effectively handle situations of this kind.”

“After Transportation representatives reviewed the video,” added Thomas, “district administrators stated how well the two Team HISD workers handled it, so caps off to them.”

Know someone who deserves a shout out? Send an email to with the subject line “Shout Out for eNews!” and tell us why.
One Response leave one →
  1. Melanie Davis-Sanchez permalink
    November 22, 2013

    That’s awesome news! I am so happy to see that the children were safe throughout the whole ordeal. It is too many times where we hear somber news in regards to incidents like these. God bless the women for the quick thinking and swift actions.

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