One question stumps survey-takers in last week’s ‘Ask HISD’ Pop Quiz
In last week’s edition of Friday eNews, we tested readers’ knowledge of how to get problems solved within the district with an ‘Ask HISD’ Pop Quiz.
About two-thirds of respondents hit all the right notes, selecting Payroll as the place to call if their paycheck was short, Grant Development for assistance with proposal-writing, Strategic Partnerships for help setting up community business relationships, and as the email account to use for questions regarding Parent Student Connect.
The one question that left three out of every four respondents scratching their heads was number two: “Your phone isn’t working. Who can fix it?” Only about 25 percent of those who took the survey selected the right answer: Construction and Facilities Services.
“Technically, we’re a part of Technology and Information Services,” said telecommunications team lead Anthony Mendizabal. “But the number to call for problems with bells, clocks, radios, security systems, and telephones is 713-556-9400, which is in Construction and Facilities Services (CFS).”
The answer key to last week’s survey is 1) b, 2) a, 3) d, 4) c, and 5) b.