Health and Wellness Centers to be open over winter break
If you’re feeling a little puny on Christmas Eve or just need a headache remedy stronger than an aspirin after New Years’ Day, HISD’s Health and Wellness Centers can help. Both locations will be operating on regular schedules over the winter break, with the exception of Tuesday, Dec. 25; Saturday, Dec. 29; and Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013, when they will be closed. Click here for hours of operation or to make an appointment.
Here are some other dates you may want to mark on your calendar:
Dec. 24–Jan. 4: Winter Holiday
December 28: Meineke Car Care Bowl of Texas
January 1–31: Board Appreciation Month
January 7: Jordan HS’s 16th annual Hair Explosion
January 11: HEB Excellence in Education Award nomination deadline
January 11 (.pdf): Magnet application deadline
Jan. 15–Feb. 1: HISD’s Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive
January 17: Board meeting
January 18: Ruby Sue Clifton Scholarship deadline
January 18 (.pdf): MLK Jr. Oratory Competition finals
January 18: AFP’s Youth in Philanthropy Award application deadline
January 21: Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
January 31: Fund for Teachers application deadline
February 1: State of the Schools luncheon
February 11: G/T Speaker Night for Parents
February 14: Board meeting