Lt. Gov. Patrick moves on priorities

The first week of session, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, R-Texas, declared his desire to run for re-election, dispelling rumors of a possible run for Governor next year. Patrick was also successful in keeping the three-fifths rule created last session that allows Senate Republicans to decide which bills come to the floor.

Lt. Governor Patrick has 25 priorities this session, many of which relate to public education. Some of Patrick’s education related priorities include the budget (SB 1); school choice (SB 3); banning sanctuary cities (SB 4); the Texas Privacy Act known as the “bathroom bill” (SB 6); ending inappropriate student-teacher relationships (SB 7); and ending automatic payroll deductions for union dues (SB 13). Patrick also said the state will not repeal the A-F rating system for schools and districts, but they are open to modifications. The Lt. Governor will move his priority bills out the Senate chamber as quickly as possible. You can view Lt. Governor Patrick’s full list of priorities here.

The following education-related priority bills have moved in the Senate:

SB 1: the budget bill proposed by the Senate (Last Action: Under review in the Senate Finance Committee)

SB 4: a bill that bans sanctuary cities (Last Action: Passed the Senate)

SB 6: a bill related to regulations and policies for entering or using a public bathroom or changing facility by authorizing a civil penalty and increasing criminal penalties.  Such facilities can only be used by individuals of the same biological sex as identified on their birth certificates.  Also known as the “bathroom bill.” (Last Action: Scheduled for a public hearing on March 7)

SB 7: a bill to end inappropriate student-teacher relationships and impose stricter penalties on teachers. Principals and superintendents who fail to report such incidents in a timely manner would face criminal charges. (Last Action: Heard in the Senate Education Committee on Feb. 23 and voted out of committee on Feb. 28)

SB 13: a bill to end automatic payroll deductions for teacher union dues (Last Action: Passed out of the Senate State Affairs Committee)

SB 22: a bill to create the Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program (Last Action: Heard in the Senate Education Committee on Feb. 23 and left pending)

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