Gov. Greg Abbott outlines priorities in second ‘State of the State’ address

Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, gave his second “State of the State” Address on  Jan. 31, outlining his four emergency items this session. They include: CPS reform, sanctuary cities, ethics reform and a Convention of States.

Separate from his emergency items were his priorities and funding goals for the 85th Session. Governor Abbott’s priorities related to public education are ending inappropriate student-teacher relationships, improving school finance, fully funding Pre-K, school choice and ending automatic payroll deductions for union dues.

The Governor’s priorities align fairly well with the Lt. Governor’s this session. However, the Governor did not mention his support for the Lt. Governor’s “bathroom bill,” which applies to schools and government buildings and requires people to use the restroom of the gender on their birth certificate.

Differing from Patrick, Abbott also placed strong language in his proposed budget calling for the reduction or elimination of recapture. You can view Governor’s Abbott’s full list of priorities here and his budget proposal here .

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