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Math and Reading Gains Outpace Texas Average on Nation’s Report Card

2011 December 7
by HISD Communications

Today is a day for us to celebrate the hard, smart work of HISD principals, teachers, and students who bring a no-excuses attitude to school with them every day. The 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) shows students in HISD are quickly gaining on their peers in Texas, while generally outperforming their counterparts in America’s large cities.

The results of tests taken earlier this year by HISD fourth- and eighth-grade students show students here are now much closer to reaching the statewide average than they were in 2003, despite HISD’s much higher percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches and students who were not raised speaking English.

Overall, HISD students exceeded the national large-city average in three of four areas: fourth-grade reading, fourth-grade math, and eighth-grade math. HISD was below the large-city average in eighth-grade reading.

And HISD’s Hispanic and low-income students posted the best eighth-grade math scores of any of the 21 large urban districts that participated in the NAEP Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) program. HISD’s African-American eighth graders beat all of the other participating districts except Boston.

I am so proud of HISD and all of you who make these successes possible. We are not there yet, but each day we are getting closer to reaching our goal of making HISD the best school district in America.

Click here for full results and more information

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