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Employees pay tribute to their favorite teachers

2013 May 2
by HISD Communications

May 6–10 is Teacher Appreciation Week in 2013, and in last week’s Friday eNews survey, a number of HISD employees took time to reflect on some of their favorite teachers.

One respondent, who remembered various instructors in elementary school, praised them simply, saying, “They believed in me and made me want to become a teacher.”

As a freshman at the Singapore American School, said another, “Ms. Kuester developed a passion for theatre in me that I have continued into my career as a fine arts teacher.”

A third cited retired HISD teacher Lucille Odom, who taught fifth-grade at Crockett Elementary School in the early 1970s.

“Mrs. Odom recognized that I had a strong math ability, and she allowed me to tutor others in the class after I had finished my work. I am now finishing my 31st year of teaching math at Reagan High School.”

Have a favorite teacher of your own? Give them a Shout-Out by sending a note to and we may use it in our Teacher Appreciation Week coverage. Please include their full name, the school where they taught, and why they were special to you.

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