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New communications plan to help keep employees informed

2013 September 12
by HISD Communications

HISD’s Office of Communications has developed a new plan for disseminating information to employees to help them stay abreast of district developments.

The new procedure, which was first used last week with the announcement of the new chief academic officer, was designed to alert employees first about breaking news, before the information is released on a wider scale.

The new procedures will be used to update employees on high-level news stories, such as the selection of new cabinet members or announcements regarding major districtwide initiatives. The plan was developed in response to employees who said that they sometimes only learned of staffing changes to the superintendent’s direct reports through local newspapers, TV broadcasts, or education-related websites.

Under the new process, announcements such as these will only be released to the community and local media organizations after employees have been notified by email.

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