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Complete your ‘4 for $40’ challenge weigh-in by Feb. 17

2014 February 6
by HISD Communications

If you’re one of the more than 3,000 employees who has already signed up for the district’s “4 for $40” weight-loss challenge since Monday, keep in mind that you only have until Feb. 17 to complete your initial verified weigh-in. A list of available dates and locations is here.

And, if you still haven’t signed up—but want to lose weight—don’t miss out on this chance to get paid while doing it.

Participants who meet specific milestones can earn up to $160 in individual incentives—and more if they form teams who meet their milestones each month. To sign up and learn more about the program go here. A related article is here.

Questions may be directed to Healthy Wage at 888-636-3832.

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