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Taking a moment to celebrate highly effective teachers

2014 March 6
by HISD Communications

On March 5, a group of nearly 30 highly effective teachers from campuses across the district gathered at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center for a celebratory breakfast, a photo shoot, and tributes from district leadership.

“We know that nothing is more important than providing our students with great teachers,” said Chief Human Resources Officer Rodney Watson. “And I can also tell you that teaching is the most difficult job I’ve ever had. I wish we could have brought all of our district’s top teachers together today, because they all deserve to be recognized for their tremendous work.”

“I have such deep respect for the hard work our teachers do every day,” added Board of Education member Rhonda Skillern-Jones. “The hard and heavy lifting in our district truly takes place in the classrooms.”

More than 1,600 teachers across the district received a “highly effective” rating last year—the highest score possible in the district’s Teacher Appraisal and Development System (TADS). In the next 30 days, all highly effective teachers in HISD will receive a congratulatory letter and a certificate from both Dr. Grier and Dr. Watson.

Rosalyn Panza, a teacher at Bonner Elementary, attended the event with her principal Sharon Carpenter, who raved about Rosalyn’s energy, enthusiasm, and ability to connect with her students.

“Teaching is a 24-hour job,” said Panza. “You don’t work for recognition, but it’s still so appreciated. I’ve been in HISD for 13 years, and over that time, I’ve grown tremendously. My kids are always teaching me how to be a stronger teacher.”

Following the breakfast, teachers attended the monthly Principals’ Meeting, where Skillern-Jones, Dr. Watson, and Chief School Support Officer Andrew Houlihan presented them with certificates and “Team HISD” hats. Principals and community members are encouraged to keep the momentum going by continuing to celebrate the hard work of top teachers across the district.

“Whatever gets celebrated gets repeated,” said Alan Hooker, HISD’s Leadership Development officer. “It’s so important to take the time to congratulate teachers for building an atmosphere in which students thrive.”

Over the past several years, HISD has prioritized effective teaching throughout the district, and has proved successful at attracting and keeping its best and brightest instructors. During the past three years, HISD retained more than 90 percent of its most effective teachers – which has had immediate benefits for students across the district.

“I feel good about the work I’m doing in the classroom, and to see it affirmed by the district like this was such a surprise!” said Lafonda Fields, a teacher at North Forest High School. “It feels really special.”

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