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Teachers: Apply to Summer Writing Institute by May 6

2013 May 2
by HISD Communications

If you’re an HISD teacher looking to build your capacity to teach students writing, then you’re in luck.

HISD’s Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment will be hosting an intensive Summer Writing Institute this year for Teacher Development Specialists and teachers at all grade levels.

Applicants can choose from one of two 12-day sessions (June or July/August), and participants who complete the 90-hour training will be paid $1,500.

The deadline to apply is Monday, May 6. For details, please see this related flyer (.pdf) and application (.doc).

2 Responses leave one →
  1. Edna Singleton permalink
    May 3, 2013

    Is the Summer Writing Program specifically for Teachers and Teacher Specialists or can Paraprofessionals with college degrees apply?

    • HISD Communications permalink
      May 6, 2013

      Sorry for the delay. I checked with Curriculum and they said that only full-time certified teachers were being accepted at this time. However, if the 100 slots are not filled by the EOB on Monday, May 6, the opportunity may be extended to others. Thanks for asking!

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