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Health screening pays off in more ways than one

2012 November 1
by HISD Communications

Payroll clerk Richard Cisneros already knew he was slightly overweight when he signed up for a free health assessment recently, but once he saw the results on Oct. 31, he realized he had to make some lifestyle changes.

“I used to play volleyball all the time at the downtown YMCA, and that burns off everything,” he explained, “but now I’m down to about once a week. So I’ll have to get more active again.”

The self-described ‘salt-aholic’ also knows now that he needs to make some changes to his diet. “You eat more vegetables, cut back on salty things, and think that will even things out in the end,” he said, “but this test tells me I’m not doing enough.”

For completing the free health screening, Cisneros is eligible to receive a $125 incentive—and if you are currently enrolled in an HISD medical plan, you could be, too.

For details, including how to schedule an appointment and what other incentives are available, please see this related article.

Also, don’t forget that HISD’s annual Open Enrollment period for benefits is now underway, so be sure to make your selections by the deadline of Thursday, Nov. 15.

Information sessions will be held at the district’s headquarters on Thursday, Nov. 8, and Tuesday, Nov. 13 and enrollment labs on Monday, Nov. 5, and Monday, Nov. 12. For times and details, please see this related article.

4 Responses leave one →
  1. Cynthia M. Smith permalink
    November 5, 2012

    I took the Health Screening Assessment last Friday. How do I find out if I will receive the $125.00 incentive? I am glad to say that most of my health check numbers are good with the exception of my weight which I am currently working on.

    Thanks for a response.

    Cynthia M. Smith
    HISD Police Department

    • HISD Communications permalink
      November 5, 2012

      You will earn the $125 simply by completing the screening before Jan. 31. The cash incentives decrease based on completion date – so if you waited until February or later, the amount would be less.

  2. Gailyn Brown permalink
    November 16, 2012

    Do I have to be enrolled in Benefits in order to take the health screening survey?

    Thank you.

    • HISD Communications permalink
      November 16, 2012

      That was our understanding, yes.

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