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HISD history teachers win seats at humanities institute

2013 August 15
by HISD Communications

Twelve HISD history teachers were in the 2013 cohort of the Humanities Texas' summer professional development institute.

More than 600 history teachers from across the state applied to “America at War in the Twentieth Century,” a professional development institute sponsored by Humanities Texas, the University of Houston, and the University of Texas at San Antonio, and of the 150 who were chosen, almost one in ten were from HISD schools.

The district had 12 teachers selected to participate. They received training in June from leading scholars in the field of humanities, such as Charles Flanagan, director of educational programs at the National Archives and Records Administration, and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David M. Kennedy of Stanford University.

“The institute helped me broaden my (subject) knowledge by showing me alternative ways to present information to my students,” said Lisa Williams, a Texas history teacher from Jackson Middle School. “We were given a great amount of material to make our subject and classroom experience more interesting and challenging, such as different websites we can turn to for visual effects of certain aspects of history.”

Other HISD teachers who participated in the institute were: Danielle Arriola (Fleming MS), Kristin Clarke (Clifton MS), Kevin Frei (Madison HS), Barbara Massoud (Revere MS), David McBride (Burbank MS), Jared Mosley (Burbank MS), Tri Nguyen (Jackson MS), Pearl Perez (Fleming MS), Annemarie Potts (Lee HS), Niv Regev (Pershing MS), and Kelsey Sexton (Scarborough HS).

Congratulations also go out this week to:

  • Chávez High School teacher Carolyn (Schupp) Teas, who was named the “Top Cycle 6 Site Coordinator for the State of Texas” at the Texas Education Agency’s recent Afterschool Center on Education (ACE) Conference. ACE is a 21st Century Community Learning Centers program funded by the United States Department of Education.
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