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PeopleSoft update: What you need to know

2013 November 14
by HISD Communications

HISD recently upgraded its PeopleSoft application from version 8.8 to 9.1, and the most current version was deployed on Nov. 4. As a part of this process, the district also conducted a comprehensive review of job duties related to PeopleSoft, and adjusted the security access of some employees to better reflect their roles within various areas of responsibility.

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions related to the upgrade:

Why was this upgrade needed?

Most software applications are upgraded on a regular basis as a matter of course by developers to fix problems, add requested features, and improve end-users’ overall experience. PeopleSoft is no different. HISD’s purchase of the upgraded software has been in the works for a number of years, and since the previous version was no longer supported by the manufacturer, the time was right to upgrade.

Who will these changes affect?

Approximately 1,800 district employees will be directly affected by these changes. Of those, about 1,200 are “time recorders,” 300 are “approvers,” and 300 are “core users” in the Office of Human Resources.

What are the most significant changes to PeopleSoft?

Ultimately, time recorders and approvers will have less cumbersome features to complete their assigned tasks. Once the remaining bugs are ironed out, operations will be more streamlined so that duties related to PeopleSoft are more efficient. For instance, time recorders will no longer have to re-enter time in the Late Pay Module if they miss their regular cut-off time for data entry.

Departments are also being encouraged to take advantage of PeopleSoft’s many “out-of-the-box” capabilities, instead of heavily customizing its features. The more departments use the different tools available without embellishment, the more efficient their operations can be.

Finally, there is also a new procedure for requesting PeopleSoft access. A downloadable form (.pdf) and instructions (.pdf) are available.

Is training available?

Training took place throughout the month of October. Online training tools were provided to Time Recorders and Time Approvers, while in-class training sessions were offered to core users.

What do I do if I missed the training?

Time Recorders and Time Approvers must complete a training session to be granted access to the upgraded application. Training can be requested by sending an email to

How long does it take to have access granted once I’ve finished the training?

Once training is complete, the Information Security process must be followed to provide access. The Information Security process itself dictates timing for granting access.

I used to be able to run certain types of reports in PeopleSoft, but I can’t anymore. Why not?

When HISD completed its review of job duties related to PeopleSoft, administrators determined that some employees had access to more functions than they actually needed. Those employees’ security access levels were adjusted to realign them with their assigned job duties. The changes are designed to increase data security, while also providing employees with just the right amount of clearance they need to perform their jobs.

I had PeopleSoft bookmarked as a favorite. Why doesn’t the link work anymore?

Due to the recent upgrade, bookmarks to the old PeopleSoft application will no longer work, but you can create a new one by logging on to the employee portal and accessing the latest version from there.

Does the PeopleSoft upgrade have any new features?

Yes. PeopleSoft is designed to give managers and employees more self-sufficiency. It has the capacity to allow users to view and manage personal information, complete their annual appraisals (non-teachers only), and much more.

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