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New ‘largest contributor’ champions emerge from Combined Charities

2013 November 14
by HISD Communications

HISD’s Combined Charities Campaign concluded on Oct. 25 this year, and when the full $329,789 in pledges was tallied, three new champions emerged on the list of employee groups who contribute the most to this annual initiative.

While five groups retained their titles this year, among the non-campus based work locations with 40–70 employees, Finance General Accounting rousted Facility Services Administration from its perch at the top, while Madison High School wrested the crown from Dowling Middle School among the 138–205 employee campus-based locations. Northline Elementary School also upset previous champion Anderson Elementary School among the campus-based work locations with 1–68 employees.

Northline ES clerk Angela DeLeon attributed her school’s success to the campus’ new campaign coordinator, secretary Nereida Banda. “Up until this year, most of us didn’t know how to do it,” said DeLeon. “But she went around and was like, ‘Please do this, please do this,’ and showed us all how.”

Here is a breakdown of the departments and campuses with the highest pledge amounts:

Among non-campus-based work locations:

  • 76 or more employees: Child Study $5,039
  • 40 to 75 employees: Finance General Accounting $517
  • 21 to 39 employees: Secondary Curriculum Instruct $4,914
  • 1 to 20 employees:  Middle Schools Office $3,980

Among campus-based work locations:

  • 206 or more employees: Bellaire High School $26,524
  • 138 to 205 employees: Madison High School $8,941
  • 69 to 137 employees: Yates High School $6,272
  • 1 to 68 employees: Northline Elementary $4,023

The United Way of Greater Houston received the most support again this year, with a total of $65,908 in contributions.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. Connie Davis permalink
    November 15, 2013

    I think individual contributors should be recognized as well. It is not enough to just recognize departments.

    • HISD Communications permalink
      November 15, 2013

      We would love to be able to give shout outs to the top individual donors, but since Combined Charity Campaign contributors are promised anonymity as a condition of their participation, we do not have access to that level of detail. The district is only provided with the top work location donors, based on the number of employees at each. We appreciate your understanding.

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