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Recession or not, HISD employees open their wallets to charity

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

America may still be in the midst of a recession, but that didn’t stop HISD employees from giving to the charitable organizations they most wanted to support this year.

The total donations collected during the district’s 2012 Combined Charities initiative was $354,198, and the organization that received the most support this year was the United Way of Greater Houston, with a total of $67,652 in contributions.

Here is a breakdown of the departments and campuses with the highest pledge amounts:

Among non-campus-based work locations:

• 76 or more employees: Child Study $4,437
• 40 to 75 employees: Facility Services Admin $930
• 21 to 39 employees: Secondary Curriculum Instruct $3,877
• 1 to 20 employees:  Middle Schools Office $3,204

Among campus-based work locations:

• 206 or more employees: Bellaire High School $24,690
• 138 to 205 employees: Dowling Middle School $12,780
• 69 to 137 employees: Yates High School $6,261
• 1 to 68 employees: Anderson Elementary $6,413

“We are a very competitive campus, especially when it comes to doing good,” explained Dr. Roslyn Vaughn, whose staff at Anderson Elementary School raised slightly more money than a school twice its size. “We were up watching until midnight on the last day of the initiative. This is going to help so many people—kids going to college, doctors finding cures. Every day, we have to dig deeper academically to get the best out of our students, and that’s what I challenged my administrators and teachers to do here.”

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