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Learn how to furnish your classroom/office for free

2014 February 6
by HISD Communications

Does your classroom need some new desks? How about a new table or chairs for the teacher’s lounge? A new filing cabinet for the front office?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then consider taking a trip to HISD’s Furniture Services Warehouse, and it could pay off big.

Located at 228 McCarty, Bldg. 29 (77029), the warehouse contains dozens of gently used desks, chairs, filing cabinets, and other office furniture (such as lamps and side tables) just waiting for a new home in an HISD office or school. Even artwork is available on occasion. “You’d be surprised how often we get that,” said clerk Sharday Cisneros.

All employees have to do is come down between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. with a blank PC-2 form (you can download one here) signed by their principal or work location supervisor, tag the items they would like to have delivered, and her department will take care of the rest.

PLEASE NOTE that no electronics, appliances, or technology may be obtained in this manner.

Questions? Call Furniture Services at 713-676-9230.

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