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2013 Fishman Prize Now Accepting Applications

2012 November 15
by HISD Communications

The Fishman Prize for Superlative Classroom Practice is a $25,000 prize awarded annually to public school teachers who demonstrate exceptionally effective teaching with students from high-poverty communities. Offered by TNTP, a nonprofit organization working to ensure that all students get excellent teachers, the prize is given to up to five teachers each year.

In addition to receiving $25,000, the winners engage in a six-week summer residency program that culminates in the publication of a short paper on the practice of effective teaching.

Nominees who submit their applications by the early deadline of December 3, 2012, will learn whether they have been selected for the next round a month before other applicants.

The final deadline to submit an application is January 14, 2013. Read the 2012 winners’ paper and learn more about how to apply at

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