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Deadline extended for wraparound services program

2017 September 26
by HISD Communications

Applications for ‘Every Community Every School’ cohort due Oct. 6

HISD has extended the deadline for schools to apply for cohort one of Every Community Every School, a comprehensive district initiative to connect schools to non-academic supports needed to improve the well-being and academic achievement of all students. Often called wraparound services, these non-academic supports address critical issues such as mental health and physical health needs, food insecurity, lack of stable housing, violence, incarceration of a parent, and many other challenges that can have adverse effects on a student’s readiness and ability to learn.

During the 2017-2018 school year, HISD will launch cohort one of Every Community, Every School at nearly two dozen campuses throughout the district. School leaders interested in having their campus in cohort one, can click here for an application. All applications are due October 6, 2017.  Schools applying for the first cohort are encouraged to complete the wraparound services survey that was distributed to all campuses in May 2017. In addition, schools applying must have a leadership team with a deep understanding that wraparound services must work together with strong academics, quality and data driven teachers, safe and well-maintained facilities, and personalized learning to address the needs of the whole child.

Schools in cohort one will be provided with funding to employ a resource specialist which will be dedicated full time to the following

Building relationships within their school and community

  • Establishing a strong working relationship with school leadership
  • Developing and nurturing relationships with students, families, and community members and organizations

Engaging stakeholders throughout needs assessment and provider selection

  • Supporting school leadership in making data-driven program decisions
  • Gathering input from community leaders during decision-making process

Effectively connecting students to needed services

  • Working with Wraparound Director to perform campus and community needs assessment, find service providers, and troubleshoot challenges
  • Engaging families and school staff to better understand student needs
  • Developing and managing partnerships with local service providers
  • Participating in and learning from resource coordinator community
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