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Info. Sessions for Aspiring Principals Scheduled for Nov. 27, Dec. 5

2012 November 15
by HISD Communications

If so, and you are an HISD educator with at least three years of teaching experience, you should consider attending one of the information sessions being held at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center (4400 W. 18th St., 77092).

There, you can learn more about the new partnership between HISD and the University of Houston (.pdf flyer here), which was created to offer aspiring leaders the opportunity to obtain a master’s degree in education with a focus on turnaround leadership.

Graduates of this one-year program will have the business, education, and management skills needed for leading successful urban schools—as well as for obtaining principal certification in the State of Texas.

Classes for the inaugural cohort start in the summer of 2013 and will be led by instructors from UH, HISD, and other experts in education.

Both information sessions will take place from 5 to 6 p.m. in the HMWESC cafeteria. Interested employees are asked to fill out this brief online form.

For more information, please contact Alejandro Morúa at 713-742-4925 or

National News Links for Nov. 9, 2012

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

Register Now for Administrative Support Summit Nov. 14

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

Administrative professionals such as school secretaries and clerks play critical roles throughout HISD and often serve as the main points of contact between schools and departments and the Human Resources Department.

That’s why Human Resources is offering the “Administrative Support Summit” (see pdf flyer and related online memo), to connect attendees with the tools and resources they need to be informed and successful.

Topics will include:

  • HR and Recruiting
  • Budgetary information
  • Worker’s Compensation
  • SAP/SRM/Purchasing
  • And more!

Whether you are a new or seasoned secretary or clerk, this event will prove beneficial to you.

Register here for either the morning or afternoon session on Wednesday, Nov. 14. Both will take place at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center (4400 W. 18th Street, 77092).

Getting the word out with department newsletters

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

In an organization the size of HISD, it’s sometimes easy for great departmental developments to get overlooked. That’s why a number of district departments have taken it upon themselves to create their own newsletters.

The University Interscholastic League Academics Department, for instance, has just launched a new quarterly publication for principals. Dubbed “The Contender,” it was designed to highlight various competitions and aspects of the UIL program.

“When schools join UIL, our primary communication is with the academic coordinator on their campus,” explained UIL Manager Don Hernandez. “However, some principals have said they would appreciate periodic communication from our office so that they can be kept informed with the activities of our department as well.”

The November 2012 edition (.pdf) of The Contender includes details on a new competition for campus leaders called the “Principal’s Cup,” as well as features on the Houston Urban Debate League and “the Big Kahuna of Texas theatre,” the One-Act Play.

The Office of Risk Management, meanwhile, has been publishing two safety newsletters per semester for more than a decade—one distributed to school-based staff (the Campus Safety Alert) and the other to Construction and Facilities Services employees (the Support Services Safety Link). Both contain useful safety information targeted to their respective audiences, but the latter is focused more on craft and maintenance issues.

If your department has a newsletter you’d like to publicize, please send us an email at and let us know! Be sure to include details about how often it’s produced and where interested readers can find both current and past issues.

Don’t forget! Open Enrollment ends next Thursday

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

If you still haven’t signed up for your 2013 medical benefits, it’s not too late! Open Enrollment lasts through next Thursday, so be sure to make your selections before the Nov. 15 deadline.

Click here to access your interactive Benefits Enrollment Guide and here to enroll in Red Brick Health (a new tool designed to help you live your best life). You can also take advantage of the last benefits info session or enrollment lab being offered early next week.

Also, don’t forget that you can still register to participate in the Supplemental Sick Leave Bank, which provides up to 30 additional paid leave days in the event of a catastrophic illness or injury. The deadline to sign up for that benefit is also Nov. 15.

Recession or not, HISD employees open their wallets to charity

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

America may still be in the midst of a recession, but that didn’t stop HISD employees from giving to the charitable organizations they most wanted to support this year.

The total donations collected during the district’s 2012 Combined Charities initiative was $354,198, and the organization that received the most support this year was the United Way of Greater Houston, with a total of $67,652 in contributions.

Here is a breakdown of the departments and campuses with the highest pledge amounts:

Among non-campus-based work locations:

• 76 or more employees: Child Study $4,437
• 40 to 75 employees: Facility Services Admin $930
• 21 to 39 employees: Secondary Curriculum Instruct $3,877
• 1 to 20 employees:  Middle Schools Office $3,204

Among campus-based work locations:

• 206 or more employees: Bellaire High School $24,690
• 138 to 205 employees: Dowling Middle School $12,780
• 69 to 137 employees: Yates High School $6,261
• 1 to 68 employees: Anderson Elementary $6,413

“We are a very competitive campus, especially when it comes to doing good,” explained Dr. Roslyn Vaughn, whose staff at Anderson Elementary School raised slightly more money than a school twice its size. “We were up watching until midnight on the last day of the initiative. This is going to help so many people—kids going to college, doctors finding cures. Every day, we have to dig deeper academically to get the best out of our students, and that’s what I challenged my administrators and teachers to do here.”

What is the difference between State and Local Leave?

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

For payroll purposes, there is no real difference. If you resign, you are not paid for either type of leave.* However, if you retire, you can be paid for unused State Leave time.

Here’s how it works: No matter which leave bank you elect to deduct your absences from, for the purposes of retirement, they are first deducted from the five days of State Leave you are advanced at the beginning of each new school year.

If you do not use either type of leave over the course of any given school year, upon retirement, you would be paid for five days of State Leave. If you used one day of either State or Local Leave in a given year, upon retirement, you would be paid for the four remaining days of State Leave (and so on, until it the balance was down to zero).

It’s important to note that the leave totals “reset” each year, so technically, you could be paid for five days for every year that you worked, if you never used State or Local Leave.

* Employees who resign from HISD but go to work at another ISD in the State of Texas may also take any unused State Leave days with them.

If you have a question for Ask HISD, please send an email to or leave your question in the comments field below.

Update your home address now to ensure timely W-2 delivery

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

HISD will mail 2012 W-2 forms to employees’ address of record during the last week of January.

To ensure you receive your form promptly, please make sure that HISD has your correct home address.

To update your address (as well as your phone number) using the HISD employee portal, follow these instructions:

  • Click the “Employee Services” tab.
  • Go to the “My Account” module, then click on the “Personal Data Maintenance” link.
  • Enter the password you use to log on to the HISD employee portal and click the “Submit” button. Your home address and phone number will be displayed on the next screen.
  • Make any necessary changes to your personal information and click the “Submit” button.

Please note: Changes will not be reflected online until the Monday after you receive your confirmation e-mail. Changes made after 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 18, may not be processed before the W-2s are sent. If an employee’s W-2 goes to the wrong address, requests for replacements cannot be accepted until after the forms are initially sent out.

If you have trouble logging in or need technical assistance, please contact the Help Desk at 713-892-SERV (7378) or

 If you experience any difficulties with the “Change Personal Information” tool (e.g., the application tells you that your “Personal information is not available”), e-mail your correct address to the Human Resource AnswerLine (

Round Up: Volunteers Still Needed for Upcoming TAHPERD Convention

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

This annual Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (TAHPERD) convention is scheduled for Nov. 28–Dec. 1, 2012, in Galveston. This member-driven organization requires a large number of volunteers to plan, organize, and facilitate convention activities. If you would like to help out, please contact Felicia Ceaser-White or Rose Haggerty at 713-556-6823. For details on registration, please visit the TAHPERD website.

Retirement Seminars Scheduled for Nov. 17 and Dec. 15

The Retirement Storefront at HISD will be hosting retirement seminars from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 17, and Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012.

All district employees are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about their Teacher Retirement System (TRS) benefits.

Employees must register through e-TRAIN to attend, and select course code #BN0200. Questions may be directed to V. Janene English at 713-293-9780 ext. 432.

Nominate Someone for an H-E-B Excellence in Education Award

All public school districts and state-certified, full-time public school teachers and principals currently within the H-E-B service area are eligible for nomination. Check out this page for details on award categories available, and this page to nominate someone. The deadline to submit a name is Jan. 11, 2013.

Get LinkedIn! Join the HISD Employee Group for Discussion, Updates

The Houston ISD LinkedIn group is a virtual meeting place where district employees can connect, collaborate, and share information and ideas. If you have a LinkedIn profile, please take a moment to join the group—just select “group” in the drop-down search menu and enter “Houston ISD,” then click “join group.” If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, go to and create one. Please be sure to list your employer as Houston ISD.

Lamar coach boasts citywide bragging rights

2012 November 8
by HISD Communications

Thanks to another win Thursday night, Lamar High School Football Coach Tommy Nolen has achieved some pretty hefty bragging rights.  Nolen has officially won more games than any other coach in the city of Houston who is still at the helm.  His record now stands at 250 wins, and the 2012 season isn’t even over yet.

Lamar High School Football Coach Tommy Nolen

Despite his gridiron success, those around Coach Nolen say he never allows the scoreboard to drive Lamar’s football program.

“Coach Nolen has always been competitive and has worked to build a strong program, but never at the expense of the student,” says Lamar Principal James McSwain. “I think that is actually the secret of his success. To him, winning is not worth the loss of personal integrity or the heart and mind of a teenager.  His attitude has always been about what the program does for the kid.  He has always looked out for the best interest of players and has demonstrated through his actions that he cares about them and what becomes of them.”

The Lamar football program, under the leadership of Coach Nolen, has made a clean sweep this year and all teams (Freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity) are district champs for 2012. The first Varsity playoff game is at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16, at Delmar.

If you know someone who should be featured in Accolades, please email us at