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Roundup: Young Presidents’ Organization members shadow principals

2012 November 1
by HISD Communications

Young Presidents’ Organization members shadow principals

The Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) of Houston met at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center on Thursday, Oct. 25, for a Principal Shadowing Event.

The event was held to bring community business leaders together with local school leaders and principals to discuss the state of Houston-area schools, teachers, and students.

This year, the Houston YPO teamed up with Houston Independent School District, Spring Branch Independent School District, YES Prep Public Schools, and KIPP Public Charter Schools-Houston to discuss such topics as school reform, educational leadership, and teacher effectiveness. The event was designed to open the lines of communication between community and school leaders and to increase awareness of the strengths and challenges for local public school systems.

Local CEOs and business owners listened as a panel featuring HISD Superintendent Dr. Terry Grier, Spring Branch Superintendent Dr. Duncan Klussmann, and YES Prep President Jason Bernal discussed the state of local schools.

Each CEO was paired with a local principal or school leader, sitting in on meetings and observing teachers and students. 

Miss America brings encouraging message to students

Laura Kaeppeler, Miss America 2012, brought a message of encouragement, determination, and persistence to the Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy during a recent visit to the school. 

Kaeppeler spoke about how she never thought she would be successful, much less named Miss America, since her father was sent to prison while she was in high school.  That’s why she chose mentoring to children whose parents are incarcerated as her platform. 

Kaeppeler says she is thankful for her past and said it was other people believing in her that led her on the path to success, explaining that the four points of her crown represent service, scholarship, style, and success.  During her speech, Miss America recited one of her favorite quotes from Oprah Winfrey, “It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from, the ability to triumph begins with you always.”

National News Links for Nov. 2, 2012

2012 October 31
by HISD Communications

Roundup: Retirement Seminars Scheduled for Nov. 17 and Dec. 15

2012 October 31
by HISD Communications

Retirement Seminars Scheduled for Nov. 17 and Dec. 15

The Retirement Storefront at HISD will be hosting retirement seminars from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 17, and Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012.

All district employees are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about their Teacher Retirement System (TRS) benefits.

Employees must register through e-TRAIN to attend, and select course code #BN0200. Questions may be directed to V. Janene English at 713-293-9780 ext. 432.

Nominate Colleagues for a College Board Award by Nov. 6

 The Southwestern Regional Office is currently seeking outstanding educators to be recognized at the 2013 Southwestern Regional Forum in February. Four different award categories are available, including one for service, one for leadership, and two related to Advanced Placement programs. For complete details, please visit the SWRO’s website.

Downtown Aquarium to Host HISD Appreciation Day on Nov. 21

Employees may purchase all-day passes regularly priced at $15.99 each for only $11 per person—a 30 percent savings! Employees must present a valid district ID badge at the time of purchase in order to receive the discount. Please see this flyer (.pdf) for details.

Nominate Someone for an H-E-B Excellence in Education Award

All public school districts and state-certified, full-time public school teachers and principals currently within the H-E-B service area are eligible for nomination. Check out this page for details on award categories available, and this page to nominate someone. The deadline to submit a name is Jan. 11, 2013.

Volunteers Needed for Upcoming TAHPERD Convention

This annual Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (TAHPERD) convention is scheduled for Nov. 28–Dec. 1, 2012, in Galveston. This member-driven organization requires a large number of volunteers to plan, organize, and facilitate convention activities. If you would like to help out, please contact Felicia Ceaser-White or Rose Haggerty at 713-556-6823. For details on registration, please visit the TAHPERD website.

Get LinkedIn! Join the HISD Employee Group for Discussion, Updates

The Houston ISD LinkedIn group is a virtual meeting place where district employees can connect, collaborate, and share information and ideas. If you have a LinkedIn profile, please take a moment to join the group—just select “group” in the drop-down search menu and enter “Houston ISD,” then click “join group.” If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, go to and create one. Please be sure to list your employer as Houston ISD.

Sterling HS dean uses his journey from laborer to educator to inspire others

2012 October 31
by HISD Communications

You are Dean of Students at Sterling High School, but you first became involved in HISD when your own children were in elementary school.

Yes. I became involved because I wanted to help my children navigate the educational system. I had no formal education and was an immigrant from Mexico. I was doing labor work – doing whatever came my way, mowing grass and painting houses. My children motivated me to become involved in educational issues. I decided to go to Houston Community College. I enrolled in English courses, earned my GED, and went on to get my bachelor’s degree and master’s degree, and I have taken doctoral courses.  

Sometimes parents aren’t sure how to be involved in their child’s school. What advice do you have for them?

I remember it was frustrating not knowing how a school functions. I would suggest that parents go to their child’s school. Talk to teachers. Talk to everyone there and learn about the programs that are available for parents. Many schools offer GED programs and computer skills courses. By taking part in those, you can show your child that you value education.

How would you say your own life has changed since you decided to make education a priority for yourself?

I believe that the measure of success is not how high you get, but how many obstacles you overcome in life. Life has shown me both sides.

What is most satisfying about your work at Sterling?

The most satisfying moment is to see kids succeed. I have the opportunity to work with them on a personal level. Many students have been in trouble with the law, they have problems at home, they are dealing with pregnancy, or gang activity. But when I see them walk across the stage and receive their diploma, it is very, very satisfying. It is my pay day.

How do you motivate students who are dealing with those challenges?

By listening. The students know that I am not going to solve their problems. I can’t fix everybody’s life, but what I can give them is perspective and guidance. In many cases, that’s what they want. They want someone who will listen rather than be judgmental. There are great kids at Sterling. I’m amazed by the challenges that they face at home, and yet, they show up every morning and come to school. I want to make Sterling a gateway to success for them.

If you know an HISD graduate or HISD employee who should be featured in I am HISD, please email us at

HISD eLearn provides new ways for teachers and administrators to grow professionally

2012 October 31
by HISD Communications

Every teacher remembers how intimidating that first year in a classroom can be. You may be an expert in your subject – but how do you engage, discipline, differentiate, and teach all of your students at the same time?

HISD has just unveiled a new online treasure trove of resources to help teachers and administrators organize, plan, and teach more effectively – HISD eLearn. HISD eLearn contains instructional videos, effective practices, professional learning communities, planning resources, online learning courses, and tools to differentiate instruction. No matter how you feel you can improve your teaching, you can find a tool to help you on eLearn.

Be sure to check out the Curriculum Preview Professional Learning Community, a series of short videos that focus on hard-to-learn curriculum standards (available for select grade levels and content areas). The videos will help teachers incorporate effective planning and instruction for the new grading cycle.  Also, coming up in November is the “EVAAS Leadership Series,” a live 5-part webinar on the HISD value added system of assessment.

Elementary teachers and administrators received emails with enrollment information on the new system on October 20. Emails for all secondary teachers and administrators will go out November 9, and other instructional staff will receive notification later in November. For more information about HISD eLearn, please contact Lance Menster at

I signed up for a health screening – what can I expect?

2012 October 31
by HISD Communications

During the next six weeks at locations across the district, HISD employees can undergo a free health screening to earn a $125 health incentive. The screenings take about 20 minutes – here’s what will happen:

  • When you arrive, an attendant will give you a form to fill out.
  • After you’ve filled out the form and read the information, a health professional will take your height and weight, then ask you to take a seat.
  • A simple blood test will be performed, using a small amount of blood taken from a finger stick. While the blood is being analyzed (this takes about 7 minutes), your blood pressure will be taken using a cuff.
  • When the blood results are ready, your health professional will go over the results of the entire screening. You’ll find out your BMI, cholesterol, glucose and triglyceride levels. Your health professional will also discuss any irregularities with you that you should bring to your doctor’s attention.

This private information is not shared with anyone, including your employer, and is provided to RedBrick Health for the sole purpose of developing your HealthMap. When you leave, you’ll be given a copy of your results.

Click here (.pdf) for a list of available screening dates and locations – and check back weekly as more are added.  If you have any questions, call the Benefits Department at 713-556-6655.


Last day to early vote: Here’s where you can cast your ballot

2012 October 30
by HISD Communications

Click image above for a complete list of early voting locations.

If you haven’t voted early yet, there is still time to cast your ballot before Election Day on Nov. 6.

Today is the last day of early voting, but the polls don’t close until 7 p.m. During early voting, registered voters can head to ANY early voting polling location.

Don’t miss your chance to vote on the 2012 Houston Schools Bond Proposition – it’s at the very end of the ballot. The $1.89 billion proposition would rebuild or renovate 38 schools in neighborhoods across Houston and upgrade technology in all HISD classrooms.

The measure also includes:

  • $44.7 million to replace regional field houses and improve athletic facilities
  • $35 million to renovate middle school restrooms
  • $17.3 million for district-wide safety and security improvements

Click here to see school-by-school projects. Please share this post – and don’t forget to complete your entire ballot. For more information about polling locations, visit

DeBakey HS celebrates 40 years

2012 October 30
by HISD Communications

DeBakey HS students perform as part of the school's 40th anniversary festivities.

Students, alumni, and staff at DeBakey High School celebrated the school’s 40th anniversary recently with a long list of events.

Principal Agnes Perry said the school is proudly celebrating four decades of academic excellence, noting that it began as a partnership between HISD and the Baylor College of Medicine. In its first year, it had 35 students and has graduated 5,000 students since then–many of whom are now practicing in the medical field.

Part of DeBakey High School's 40th anniversary celebration included the dedication of the Perry Weston Library, named after the school's first principal.

On Tuesday, Oct. 23, the festivities kicked off with the Baylor College of Medicine hosting a 40th anniversary luncheon attended by students and staff.

The celebration continued on Friday with an open house and dedication of the Perry Weston Library (named after the school’s first principal), and a family festival with music and games on Saturday. On Saturday evening, the celebration continued with a 40th Anniversary Gala, held at The Health Museum. The gala, for those 18 and older, featured music, hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, and door prizes.

“It was  a great opportunity for not only current students, staff, and parents, but we had a great showing of alumni,” Perry said.

Many HISD employees are marking milestones next week – see if you know anyone on this list:

 25 Years

  • Rodolfo Segura, custodian, Holland Middle School
  • Trent Strozier, teacher, Madison High School

15 Years

  • Linda Reyes, custodian, West University Elementary
  • Diane Thomas, psychologist, Psychological Services
  • Shelia Woods, plant operator, Kelso Elementary

5 Years

  • Felton Lee Sr., crossing guard, R.P. Harris Elementary
  • Viririana Macias, Food Services attendant
  • Mireyra Reyes, Food Services attendant            
  • Maria Rodriguez, Food Services attendant        
  • Wanda Rollins, Food Services attendant 
Check back next Friday for more November Milestones – and if you know someone who should be featured in this space, let us know at Leave a comment below if you’d like to congratulate any of the above employees.

Transportation’s Mark Swackhamer achieves all-star status

2012 October 30
by HISD Communications

HISD’s Senior Manager of Fleet Operations Mark Swackhamer has been named one of Green Fleet magazine’s 40 Sustainability All-Stars for 2012. Nominees were judged on the basis of their professional longevity, accomplishments, innovativeness, and overall industry involvement, among other criteria.

 Swackhamer was selected for implementing a number of “green” initiatives at HISD, including the installation of Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) units on the district’s fleet to reduce idle time and increase fuel efficiency, and a training program for bus drivers designed to increase their average miles per gallon (MPG) by five percent. Swackhamer also obtained $2.5 million in grants for the purchase of 27 propane-powered school buses and an 18,000-gallon fueling station, and his use of bio-diesel buses has resulted in a 105,000-gallon reduction in gas usage.

 Swackhamer was formally recognized for this achievement on Oct. 3 at a conference held in Illinois.

 If you know someone who should be featured in Accolades, please email us at

Mark your calendars

2012 October 25
by HISD Communications

The Open Enrollment Period for HISD benefits ends on Thursday, Nov. 15, so be sure to make your selections by the deadline. Also, don’t forget you can still sign up for the Supplemental Sick Leave Bank, too, during that same time period. Here are some other dates you may want to mark on your calendar:

Now-December 11: Health Screenings

November 1-15: Benefits Open Enrollment

November 10: Austin HS 75th Anniversary

November 17 and 18: Via Colori

November 21–23: Thanksgiving Holiday

December 13: Board meeting

Dec. 24–Jan. 4: Winter Holiday