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Briscoe Teacher Helps Children Understand, Appreciate What They Eat

2012 October 22
by HISD Communications

Jamie Goins, a physical education teacher at Briscoe Elementary School, has been named the winner of the Recipe for Success Foundation’s 2012 Golden Whisk Award in the Teacher of the Year category. Goins was selected from among dozens of nominees for her extraordinary efforts to help change the way children understand, appreciate, and eat their food and for helping to create a culture of health and wellness at Briscoe. She will be formally recognized at the Recipe for Success Blue Plate Special Café Harvest Market and Awards Luncheon at the Houstonian on Nov. 19. Briscoe’s collaboration with Recipe for Success provides monthly cooking classes with area chefs for students in grade 4 and gardening classes for students in PreK through grade 5, in addition to “Fun Friday” events co-sponsored by Goins.

More awards:

Garden Oaks Elementary School volunteer Peggy Wilgis has been named one of the 2012 “Heroes for Children” by the State Board of Education. Wilgis, who retired from HISD in 1998 after more than 30 years of service, is one of just 14 volunteers from across Texas to be so recognized for her commitment to young people. Read the full story here.

Congratulations also go out to Casandra Martinez (Chávez HS), Laura Ortíz (HSLECJ), Raul Piñeda (East Early College HS), Edith Solis (Eastwood Academy), Rosio Trejo (Worthing HS), and Sarahy Umanzor (Lee HS), who were recipients of the Hispanic Bar Association’s Scholarship for Excellence. Each received $1,000 to offset the cost of higher education.

If you or someone you know has won an award, let us know at Leave a comment below if you’d like to congratulate any of the above employees.

College access coordinator sets school record

2012 October 22
by HISD Communications

Click above to see Aleicia Roberts in action.

Our hats are off this week to HISD’s Employee of the Month for October 2012, Aleicia Roberts. The efforts of this college access coordinator from North Early College High School resulted in the school’s first senior class having the largest number of students at any HISD campus to earn an associate’s degree along with a high school diploma this spring.

 “Every decision she makes is about the children,” says Principal Angela Lundy-Jackson.

Other Shout Outs this week go to…

Custodial Team Leader Maricia Butcher
“One of the schools I supervise is Fonville MS and it is clean and organized 100 percent of the time. Ms. Butcher holds both the individuals she supervises and herself accountable. The Fonville administration and I are extremely happy to be on her team!”
— School Improvement Officer Joe Espinoza

Kashmere High School Registrar Valencia Crawford
“I just wanted to let someone know of the wonderful experience I had the day I registered my daughter. I can’t remember the lady’s name at the front desk, but…she was very nice, professional, and everything went very smooth. One special lady that really stuck out was the registrar, Valencia Crawford. As I waited in the front of the office to be called back, I listened to how she and the secretary greeted people. That is so, so important. I really want to let everyone know that the year for Kashmere looks like it’s going to go great as long as we see these two wonderful ladies at the front end.”
— Parent Sonja Gordon

Know someone who deserves a shout-out? Send an email to with the subject line “Shout Out for eNews!” and tell us why.

Troutman dedicates 43 years of service to Houston’s children

2012 October 22
by HISD Communications

Elida Troutman

Elida Troutman, who created the fine arts program at Crockett ES in 1974, retired from the district last month after 43 years of dedicated service to Houston’s children. She served as the principal of Crockett for the last 37 years, and a gala was held in her honor on Oct. 19 at the Double Tree Hotel.

Troutman, who played the piano as a child, said that having a fine arts component at her former school was extremely important to her. “An education is simply not complete without fine arts,” she said. “A well-balanced education is so important, but school is not just about academics.”

Crockett celebrated its 100th anniversary this week with a packed celebration in the school cafeteria. Students in the mariachi, marimba, and orchestra bands performed, and parents and students learned all about the school’s history.

Many HISD employees are marking milestones during the first week of November – see if you know anyone on this list:

40 years

  • Stephanie Forbes, math teacher, Lamar High School

30 years

  • Artice Hedgemon, principal, Dogan Elementary School
  • Dora Jackson, general clerk, Alcott Elementary School
  • Kary Jackson, plant operator, Red Elementary School
  • Sylvia Jackson, fifth-grade teacher, C. Martinez Elementary
  • Margarita Ruiz, food services attendant

25 years

  • Felita Bradley, food services attendant
  • Donald Goraum, police sergeant     
  • Pamela Himes, bus driver
  • Andria Jones, manager, Food Service Operations
  • Kelly Marsella, special education teacher, Southmayd Elementary             
  • Elizabeth Najera, general clerk III, Davis High School
  • Stephenfom  Standfield, physical education teacher, Sanchez Elementary           

20 years

  • Maria Eureste, secretary, Chavez High School
  • Sheila Jenkins, human resources representative
  • Karen Luna, student information representative, Garden Oaks Elementary       
  • Brita Martin-Lindsey, manager, Student Records, Federal and State Compliance
  • Samuel Mingo, crossing guard, Herrera Elementary
  • Isabel Sandoval, bilingual teacher, Durkee Elementary

15 years

  • Janice Dunigan, senior secretary, Human Capital Accountability
  • Kimberly Hagler, history teacher, Worthing High School
  • Novia O’Guinn, crossing guard, Frost Elementary
  • Tamyra Palmer, second grade teacher, Roberts Elementary
  • Carl Ruiz, ESL pre-kindergarten teacher, Love Elementary
  • Vivian Wilson, truck driver, Warehouse Operations

10 years

  • Oonnunnikunju Abraham, bus driver, Butler Motor Pool Driver Services
  • Martha Almaguer, lecturer, Hartman Middle School
  • Amy Alvarez, reading teacher, Henry Middle School
  • Cody Atkins, senior HVAC repairer, Food Service Maintenance
  • Renee Felder, associate teacher
  • Valentin Jalomo, associate teacher
  • Michael Melchor, maintenance repairer, Facility Management Administration
  • Vickie Olayinka, special education teacher, Petersen Elementary
  • Walter Olivera, associate teacher
  • Artilious Saxton, custodian, Durkee Elementary
  • Patricia Williams, accountant, Finance

5 years

  • Ona Adair, teaching assistant, Pin Oak Middle School
  • Karen Adams, nurse, Sharpstown Middle School                             
  • Leonard August, teacher, Dodson Elementary         
  • Chanel Bonnee, associate teacher   
  • Cynthia Boyd, speech therapist, Child
  • Kimberly Burk, special education teacher, Piney Point Elementary 
  • James Butler, bus driver
  • Florence Castello, teaching assistant, Petersen Elementary
  • Daniel Castillo, telecom repairer                                           
  • Wendall Coleman, associate teacher           
  • Leonor Corona, secretary, Stevens Elementary       
  • Edward Cotton Jr, crossing guard                                         
  • Claudia De La Cruz, teaching assistant, Bruce Elementary         
  • Chandra Ferguson, lecturer, Rice Middle School     
  • Maria Garcia, custodian, Roosevelt Elementary       
  • Genique Gilmore, kindergarten teacher, Windsor Village Elementary          
  • Henry Glenn, general clerk I, Isaacs Elementary      
  • Kaye Hardy, associate teacher                                             
  • Nicole Hevener, special education teacher, De Zavala Elementary 
  • Ashley Lee, science teacher, Booker T. Washington High School   
  • Maria Lima, teaching assistant, Petersen Elementary          
  • Carolyn Monroe-Riley, associate teacher                                         
  • Marion Murray, crossing guard, Milne Elementary                                        
  • James Nichols, associate teacher                                        
  • Efrain Orozco, lecturer, Roberts Elementary                                    
  • Jackie Pau, math intervention teacher, Yates High School
  • Esmerelda Perez, secretary, Ninfa Laurenzo ECC  
  • Yovanda Rodgers, bus driver
  • Sanaa Saber, associate teacher
  • Leslie Simmons, special education teacher, Attucks Middle School
  • Linda Stephens, teaching assistant, Whittier Elementary                               
  • Sandra Sweat, associate teacher                                         
  • Barbara Upson, associate teacher                                        
  • Donald Williams, senior bus driver                                        
  • Regina Wilson, associate teacher                                  
  • Li Xu, lecturer, Kolter Elementary      
Check back next Friday for more November Milestones – and if you know someone who should be featured in this space, let us know at Leave a comment below if you’d like to congratulate any of the above employees.