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A4E Dashboards make tracking attendance quick and easy

2013 September 12
by HISD Communications

Whether you’re a teacher, a principal, or a chief schools officer, HISD’s new Analytics for Educators dashboard tool makes it quick and easy for you to track student attendance.

For CSOs—From the Student Attendance graph, you can find the answers to:

  • Which of my schools have their year-to-date average daily attendance rate below target level?

For Principals—From the Student Daily Attendance quadrant, you can find the answers to:

  • Who has missed 2-3 to 10+ days?
  • Who has perfect attendance?
  • What is my campus year-to-date average daily attendance rate?

For Teachers—From the Attendance pane, you can find the answers to:

  • Who in which class has missed 2-3 to 10+ days, or has been tardy for as many days?
  • Who has perfect attendance and in which classes?

Let A4E Dashboards help you make sure your students are in school every day.

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