Nutrition Services taking a stand against workplace bullying
Last year, HISD adopted a comprehensive anti-bullying policy and implemented a districtwide program to protect employees from harassment. This year, Nutrition Services has incorporated that training into its in-services to educate employees on what is — and is not — considered bullying.
“We are informing the department as a whole on HISD’s anti-bullying policy,” said Human Resources Business Partner Rosario Beltran. “The message is clear: Bullying will not be tolerated in the district.”
Workplace bullying does not include the legitimate exercise of authority by management, including task assignment, employee coaching, and work-related discipline. But all employees, regardless of position, are responsible for knowing and adhering to the district’s bullying policy.
“If bullying were to happen, we would put a stop to it immediately, and retrain this person to provide them with the necessary tools to be successful at Nutrition Services,” explained Nutrition Services’ General Manager of Operations Mark Welch.
The in-service training is being provided by the Houston Education and School Personnel (HESP) association.
“HESP is working in partnership with HISD to help change the culture,” explained Wretha Thomas, HESP president.
For a more complete definition of workplace bullying and the steps necessary to report it, Nutrition Services’ employees may consult their employee handbook.