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PeopleSoft update: What you need to know

2013 November 14
by HISD Communications

HISD recently upgraded its PeopleSoft application from version 8.8 to 9.1, and the most current version was deployed on Nov. 4. As a part of this process, the district also conducted a comprehensive review of job duties related to PeopleSoft, and adjusted the security access of some employees to better reflect their roles within various areas of responsibility.

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions related to the upgrade:

Why was this upgrade needed?

Most software applications are upgraded on a regular basis as a matter of course by developers to fix problems, add requested features, and improve end-users’ overall experience. PeopleSoft is no different. HISD’s purchase of the upgraded software has been in the works for a number of years, and since the previous version was no longer supported by the manufacturer, the time was right to upgrade.

Who will these changes affect?

Approximately 1,800 district employees will be directly affected by these changes. Of those, about 1,200 are “time recorders,” 300 are “approvers,” and 300 are “core users” in the Office of Human Resources.

What are the most significant changes to PeopleSoft?

Ultimately, time recorders and approvers will have less cumbersome features to complete their assigned tasks. Once the remaining bugs are ironed out, operations will be more streamlined so that duties related to PeopleSoft are more efficient. For instance, time recorders will no longer have to re-enter time in the Late Pay Module if they miss their regular cut-off time for data entry.

Departments are also being encouraged to take advantage of PeopleSoft’s many “out-of-the-box” capabilities, instead of heavily customizing its features. The more departments use the different tools available without embellishment, the more efficient their operations can be.

Finally, there is also a new procedure for requesting PeopleSoft access. A downloadable form (.pdf) and instructions (.pdf) are available.

Is training available?

Training took place throughout the month of October. Online training tools were provided to Time Recorders and Time Approvers, while in-class training sessions were offered to core users.

What do I do if I missed the training?

Time Recorders and Time Approvers must complete a training session to be granted access to the upgraded application. Training can be requested by sending an email to

How long does it take to have access granted once I’ve finished the training?

Once training is complete, the Information Security process must be followed to provide access. The Information Security process itself dictates timing for granting access.

I used to be able to run certain types of reports in PeopleSoft, but I can’t anymore. Why not?

When HISD completed its review of job duties related to PeopleSoft, administrators determined that some employees had access to more functions than they actually needed. Those employees’ security access levels were adjusted to realign them with their assigned job duties. The changes are designed to increase data security, while also providing employees with just the right amount of clearance they need to perform their jobs.

I had PeopleSoft bookmarked as a favorite. Why doesn’t the link work anymore?

Due to the recent upgrade, bookmarks to the old PeopleSoft application will no longer work, but you can create a new one by logging on to the employee portal and accessing the latest version from there.

Does the PeopleSoft upgrade have any new features?

Yes. PeopleSoft is designed to give managers and employees more self-sufficiency. It has the capacity to allow users to view and manage personal information, complete their annual appraisals (non-teachers only), and much more.

National Parent Involvement Day Nov. 21

2013 November 14
by HISD Communications

Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013, is National Parent Involvement Day and HISD’s Family and Community Engagement department has assembled a helpful tip sheet for for educators to give them ideas on how they can inspire more parents to get involved in their children’s education.

See this downloadable flyer (.pdf) for complete details.

Here are some other dates you might want to mark on your calendar:

  • Nov. 18-22: SPARK Park Week
  • Nov. 20 (.pdf): Payday
  • Nov. 23: Asian American College & Career Day
  • Nov. 23 & 24: Via Colori Street Festival
  • Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving holiday (.pdf)
  • Dec. 3: New employee orientation
  • Dec. 4 (.pdf): Payday
  • Dec. 12: Regular Board meeting
  • Dec. 18 (.pdf): Payday
  • Dec. 20: Deadline for guaranteed first-round consideration of Magnet applications for 2014-15 school year

Repair crew erases arson damage in just three days

2013 November 14
by HISD Communications

This week’s Shout Out goes to Alfred Hoskins, an area manager in the Construction and Facility Services department, for his team’s speedy repair of a temporary building at Garcia Elementary School.

Hoskins and his crew removed all traces of a fire that took place on a Friday morning at that campus, leaving the building ready for class by Monday morning, and the students none the wiser that their classroom has been virtually unusable just a few days earlier.  

“Honestly, I was pessimistic when they told me that both rooms from the T-building would be ready for students by Sunday night,” said Principal Aaron Dominguez. “However, in short order, droves of HISD vans, trucks, and workers converged on Garcia Elementary and got to work, and by 10 a.m., the T-building was well on its way to being completely stripped.”

“(The CFS crew) worked with a true sense of urgency toward one common goal,” added Dominguez. “To witness it made me proud to be a part of Team HISD. (Their) hard work made this terrible incident as if it had never happened. Crews came and went unnoticed, worked quietly…asked questions to ensure everything was perfect, and followed up every step of the way. Incredible! At Garcia Elementary, we recognize excellence when we see it, and (those) teams exemplified excellence these past three days.”

Know someone who deserves a shout out? Send an email to with the subject line “Shout Out for eNews!” and tell us why.

Five things you need to decide before Nov. 21

2013 November 7
by HISD Communications

A brand new calendar year is just around the corner, and that means it is time to select the benefits that best suit you and your family’s needs for 2014. Here’s a list of five things you’ll need to decide before Nov. 21.

  1.  Do I want to obtain health insurance through HISD or some other provider? With the new Affordable Care Act now in effect, most Americans will be required to have health insurance that meets certain guidelines by Jan. 1, 2014. So if you don’t sign up for a plan through HISD, you’ll need to do so either through the Marketplace or through a private insurance provider to avoid paying a penalty on your federal tax returns. Remember, if you wish to sign up for HISD coverage you must do so during the annual enrollment period (Nov. 7–21). Details on that are here.
  2. If I elect to go with an HISD plan, which one is right for me and my family? Only you can decide that, but you’ll find all the information you need to make that important decision on the Benefits Outlook website.
  3. What other health insurance do I need to consider? Prescription drug coverage comes with all HISD benefit plans, but you’ll also need to decide if you want vision and dental insurance, too. Vision coverage deals not only with eye exams, but also with the cost of contact lenses or glasses. Dental coverage addresses both preventative maintenance and major work, such as implants, crowns, and root canals. You will need to select these during the annual enrollment period.
  4. Are there any other benefits I need to consider? Yes. HISD also offers supplemental options for disability, life and accidental death/dismemberment, hospital stays, critical illnesses, cancer and 36 other specific diseases, long-term care, accident, and legal assistance. There are also Health Care and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts that you can enroll in. You will need to select these benefits during the annual enrollment period as well.
  5. Is disability insurance the same thing as the Supplemental Sick Leave Bank (SSLB)? No, so you’ll need to decide whether or not to enroll in that, too. If you haven’t already, but you’re eligible, you should receive an email regarding SSLB next week. You can also find more information here. The deadline to enroll in the SSLB is actually a day later than for other benefits: Nov. 22.

Enroll in Supplemental Sick Leave Bank Nov. 11–22

2013 November 7
by HISD Communications

HISD’s Supplemental Sick Leave Bank (SSLB) program offers participants up to 30 additional paid leave days in the event of a catastrophic illness or injury resulting in an extended absence from work.

Enrollment forms and plan details are available on the SSLB webpage and will be emailed to eligible employees during the week of Nov. 11, 2013. Ineligible employees and those who are already enrolled in SSLB will not receive these materials.

This will be the last opportunity for eligible employees to enroll for the 2013–2014 SSLB plan year.

Please contact Employee Support Services at 713-695-5561 with any questions.

Ask HISD: Are the district’s Health & Wellness Centers cost-effective?

2013 November 7
by HISD Communications

Q: Are the two health centers that are mentioned in HISD’s benefits selection materials cost-effective for employees who make more than $25,000 a year? If so, would you please explain how? What if you choose the Consumer Plus Plan?

A: Employees and their dependents enrolled in any HISD medical plan can access the district’s Health & Wellness Centers at no charge.

Since the average out-of-pocket cost for a physician visit at an urgent care facility is between $55 and $65, that can add up to a significant savings. By using the clinics, you have no out-of-pocket cost.

HISD to announce district’s 2013 holiday card Nov. 8

2013 November 7
by HISD Communications

Every year, HISD students from across the district create original artworks in the hopes of having their design chosen to grace the district’s annual holiday card. Superintendent Terry Grier made his final decision this week, and the winner will be announced during a special reception for the finalists on Nov. 8. Be sure to check out the district’s website later to find out whose card was selected this year and to see a gallery of all of the finalists’ submissions.

If you’d like to use the district’s cards for your holiday greetings, you can place an order using this form (.pdf) by noon on Friday, Dec. 6.

Here are some other dates you might want to mark on your calendar:

  • Nov. 14: ADL’s Houston in Concert Against Hate
  • Nov. 18-22: SPARK Parks Week
  • Nov. 20 (.pdf): Payday
  • Nov. 23 & 24: Via Colori Street Festival
  • Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving holiday (.pdf)
  • Dec. 3: New employee orientation
  • Dec. 4 (.pdf): Payday
  • Dec. 12: Regular Board meeting
  • Dec. 18 (.pdf): Payday
  • Dec. 20: Deadline for guaranteed first-round consideration of Magnet applications for 2014-15 school year

Apply to advanced degree programs at TAMU by Dec. 2

2013 November 7
by HISD Communications

Been thinking about obtaining an advanced degree in education?

Now might be your chance. The HISD Leadership Development Department and Texas A&M University will be hosting recruitment sessions for employees interested in obtaining advanced degrees in public school administration on Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013.

Sessions will take place in the library of the Mandarin Chinese Language Immersion Magnet School (6300 Avenue B, 77401), with the one related to the master’s program at 4 p.m. and the one related to the doctorate program at 5 p.m. 

For details, please visit the Texas A&M website at, or contact Avery Pavliska at 979-458-1758 or If you are interested in attending one of the info sessions, please contact Asst. Superintendent of Leadership Development Josephine Rice at 713-696-0600.

The application deadline is Monday, Dec. 2, 2013.

Get LinkedIn! Join the HISD Employee Group for Discussion, Updates

The Houston ISD LinkedIn group is a virtual meeting place where district employees can connect, collaborate, and share information and ideas. If you have a LinkedIn profile, please take a moment to join the group—just select “group” in the drop-down search menu and enter “Houston ISD,” then click “join group.” If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, go to and create one. Please be sure to list your employer as Houston ISD.



National news links for the week of Nov. 8, 2013

2013 November 7
by HISD Communications

Practice makes perfect in attitude, performance

2013 November 7
by HISD Communications

In last week’s edition of Friday eNews, we asked our readers in what areas of their lives they still practice, and while some cited musical instruments, martial arts, or skills related to their jobs, others’ answers were more esoteric.

“I’ve just started traveling more the past few years,” explained one respondent, “and I’m studying French with my granddaughter–just self-taught each night. My most valuable phrase so far is ‘bien cuit’ (well done) which is how I like my meat cooked.”

“I practice patience daily,” noted another, while a third observed that s/he practices “respecting authority.”

Another reader added that s/he practices “self-restraint with my smart mouth, which gets me in trouble on a regular basis.”

“I have no filter,” that person added, “so I have a tendency to say whatever I’m thinking without thinking, at what, perhaps, is not the most appropriate time or in the most appropriate way. So I’m practicing that.”