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Global Graduate student survey closes Nov. 17

2017 November 13
by HISD Communications

All high schools must ensure all students in grades 9-12 complete the survey

The Global Graduate survey is now open for all HISD high school students.  Staff at all high schools should ensure all students in grades 9-12 complete the survey in their homeroom or advisory by Nov 17, 2017. The survey can be found on Powerup Go or at

The top three schools (0-500 students, 501-1500 students, and over 1500 students) who reach 90 percent participation first will receive a $300 Amazon gift card for their campus thanks to the HISD Foundation

The Global Graduate student survey is intended to see how well the district is doing in preparing students to be Global Graduates and is related to Board of Education Goal #2, which states that the percentage of graduates meeting the Global Graduate standards will increase three percentage points annually from the 2017 baseline of 70% to 85% by 2022. A similar follow-up survey for students will be conducted in the spring.

Weekly Teacher Download for November 13

2017 November 9
by HISD Communications


National Parental Involvement Day: HISD Family and Community Empowerment (FACE) will be joining schools and educational institutions across the country to celebrate National Parental Involvement Day on Thursday, Nov. 16.  All schools are invited to join the celebration and score some freebies in the process. Schools that participate will be entered in a drawing for school supplies gift bags, books, and more. Learn more, here.

Innovation Grant Program: Thanks to the generous donations from local community members and business partnerships, the HISD Foundation has launched an Innovation Grant program to provide funds for teachers and schools to purchase equipment, supplies, and other items to innovate teaching and learning in the classroom. The foundation will award $150,000 in Innovation Grants for the 2017-2018 school year and is open to all teachers in grades Pre-K through 12. Apply now, here.

November Teacher of the Month: Through a sponsorship with Group 1 Automotive VIP Services, HISD launched a new Teacher of the Month recognition program to honor our hard-working teachers. Every month, an HISD teacher will be surprised and presented with a luxury loaner vehicle from a different Group 1 Automotive dealer. Read more about November’s Teacher of the Month, Kazmere Dean of Dogan Elementary.

Awards for Aspirations in Computing: Do you know an educator who encourages female high school students’ interest and participation in technology? Here’s an opportunity to submit them for The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Aspirations in Computing Educator Award.  For more information on how to submit, click here. Submissions are due by Nov. 26.

Teach Like a Champion: Are you looking to enhance your effective practices in a certain criterion? Check out this month’s TLAC Tuesday topic on how to maximize your instructional time. Those interested in attending are invited to show up at Black Middle School on Nov. 14 from 4:30 – 6 p.m. Teachers who attend will receive credit.


Professional Development: Want to add new strategies to your teacher toolkit? Come learn concrete, specific, and actionable techniques at one or more workshops at the New Teacher Saturday Learning Series Nov. 16 – 17. Click this flier for OneSource course number and location.


Professional Development: The Elementary Curriculum and Development Office is pleased to offer a variety of professional learning opportunities for teachers during the months of November and December 2017, including literacy training to support Literacy by 3 (OneSoure courses #826004, #826005, #826006, #826007).  For more info, click the course list here.


Free internet for HISD students: Are your high school students not completing assignments due to no home internet service? The Sprint Foundation has provided the district with a donation to provide free Internet access to high school students (grades 9-12) who currently do not have high-speed Internet at home. To determine eligibility for the donation, students are asked to complete a short survey by Nov. 17. For more information, click here.

National History Day: The Office of Advanced Academics is excited to support and coordinate our 2018 National History Day (NHD) competition for grades 6 -12.  NHD expectations strongly align with HISD’s Social Studies disciplinary practices and gives students the opportunity to act as historians. If your school would like to participate or learn more, contact Suzanne Acord at and visit HISD’s districtwide competition will take place on March 24, 2018 at Hattie Mae White.

Onsite dental care event returns to HISD on Nov. 16

2017 November 9
by HISD Communications

Onsite Dental Care returns to HISD for all employees 

HISD’s dental insurance provider, Cigna, and partner Biomedent returns to provide onsite dental care to all HISD employees on Thursday, Nov. 16 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at Hattie Mae White ESC (4400 West 18th St., Room 2E02). Services include a full exam with charting, X-rays, cleaning, and fluoride treatment. More complex procedures, such as fillings or crowns, would be referred to the employee’s regular dentist.

Employees under Cigna’s PPO would be required to pay their $50 deductible for services. If those employees have already met their deductible for the year, the cost is zero. Those under the HMO or no dental plan at all would pay $100 for the services.

“We were trying to think of a benefit we could provide to employees at little or no cost to them to improve their overall wellness,” said Donna Fernandez, senior manager with HISD Benefits Administration. “This is a pilot program, so if it’s successful, we will continue this onsite benefit to employees.”

Click here to read learn more about the program or request an appointment here.


HISD Foundation launching Innovation Grant program

2017 November 8
by HISD Communications

Teachers and schools can apply for grants up to $20,000

The HISD Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit that supports districtwide and school-based programs and initiatives at HISD, is launching an Innovation Grant program to provide funds for teachers and schools to purchase equipment, supplies, and other items to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom.

Thanks to the generous donations from local community members and business partnerships, the Foundation will award $150,000 in Innovation Grants for the 2017-2018 school year. The new program will allow teachers in grades Pre-K through 12 to apply for a $3,000 – $7,000 grant. Two or more teachers from the same school can also apply for a Teacher Collaborative Grant ranging from $5,000 – $10,000.

In addition, individual schools can apply for a $10,000 – $20,000 grant to innovate learning in their classrooms and two or more schools in the same feeder pattern can apply for a School Feeder Grant of $10,000 – $20,000.

“We are so grateful for the generous donations from our Houston community and corporate partners, who see the value of public education and understand the importance of ensuring our students have dynamic learning experiences that prepare them for success in college and beyond,” said HISD Chief Development Officer Ann Scott. “I can’t wait to see the novel concepts and strategies submitted by our schools and teachers, and ultimately the innovative projects and activities exposed to HISD students.”

Teacher and school applications will be awarded based on their alignment to district initiatives and impact on student success. Applicants are encouraged to avoid the use of school names or other identifying elements in their application so the selection process can remain anonymous.

Funds must be spent in the 2017-2018 school year and grant award recipients will be required to submit an Impact Report by June 1, 2018. Purchases made through the grant are property of the HISD Foundation and will not be considered personal property of the grant recipients. If the grant recipient moves schools within the district, the materials may move with the teacher upon permission from the Foundation. If the teacher leaves the district, grant materials will become property of the school where the grant recipient was last working.

To apply for the grant, teachers and schools can click here click here.


Help your students get FREE Internet

2017 November 7
by HISD Communications

Sprint Foundation providing free Internet access to students grades 9-12

School with highest survey participation rate earns staff lunch

Are your high school students not completing assignments due to no home internet service? We have a solution, but we need your help. The Sprint Foundation has provided the district with a donation to provide free Internet access to high school students (grades 9-12) who currently do not have high-speed Internet at home. To determine eligibility for the donation, students are asked to complete a short survey by Nov. 17 indicating what type, if any, Internet access they have available to them at home.

The school that has the highest percentage of survey participation will have their campus staff treated to lunch, compliments of the HISD Information Technology Services Department. Click here for more information.

Eligible students will be notified by the district and provided with additional details during the spring 2018 semester. Parents and students are not financially responsible for the donation. Recipients will keep the mobile hotspot throughout their high school career (four years) at no cost to the families.

Students may complete the survey at

Here are some suggestions to ensure ALL high school students complete the survey.

  1. Choose a class period. For example, all student will complete the survey during second period.
  2. Choose a core subject that all students take such as social studies to conduct the survey.
  3. Ask teachers to use the survey as a warm-up activity.

If you have questions about the survey or Sprint Foundation donation, please contact Chief Technology Officer Lenny Schad at

Celebrate National Parental Involvement Day with HISD FACE

2017 November 7
by HISD Communications

HISD Family And Community Empowerment (FACE) will be joining schools and educational institutions across the country to celebrate National Parental Involvement Day on Thursday, Nov. 16.

All schools are invited to join the celebration and score some freebies in the process. Campuses across the district have an opportunity to honor and highlight the powerful contributions parents, families, and caregivers provide both at school and home to support student success.

“The goal is to intentionally plan for families to become empowered through engagement via opportunities to make a change that impacts student learning and the community,” said Dr. Michelle Burke, Director for FACE.

Need ideas to host powerful opportunities for families to be empowered? Contact your FACE Specialist who can help with any of suggestions below:

  • Use Coffee with the Principal to review your climate survey results and develop an action plan to target specific areas of needs.
  • Take FACE’s Community Organizing 101 training, participate in a Community Organizing Walk, review data, and make a difference.
  • Leverage your PTA/PTO to host appreciation forums for parents while inviting them to share their cultural experiences with each other.
  • Plan and schedule Data Grade-Level Nights with strategies for parents to help students at home.
  • College Information Night with Application Information Workshop, FASFA, and Strength Finder Survey for students.
  • Teacher-Parent Conference Best Practices Workshops for Parents

Showcase how you are celebrating parental involvement at your school by posting pictures and/or flyers of your parent events on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtags #HISDFACE or #NationalParentalInvolvementDay.

Schools that participate will be entered in a drawing for school supplies gift bags, books, and more. Don’t miss out and show us how you are empowering and celebrating your families.

Teacher recognition program begins Nov. 7

2017 November 6
by HISD Communications

One lucky teacher per month to get $150 gift and luxury loaner vehicle

HISD and Group 1 Automotive VIP Services are teaming up to honor some of the district’s most outstanding educators in a new monthly teacher recognition program. Starting Tuesday, November 7, HISD Superintendent Richard Carranza, along with representatives from Group 1, will surprise one lucky HISD teacher with an award, a gift basket of promotional items, a $150 gift card, and a luxury loaner vehicle.

The November HISD Teacher of the Month will get to drive a BMW for one month, courtesy of Advantage BMW Midtown. Every month another teacher will be surprised and presented with a luxury loaner vehicle from a different Group 1 Automotive dealer.

“I am extremely excited about this new partnership with Group 1 Automotive and their commitment to honor our teachers,” said Superintendent Carranza. “Group 1 values public education and recognizes the impact teachers have on the future of our children and city,”

Each of the seven HISD Area Superintendents will be responsible for selecting a teacher from their region to be honored from Nov 2017 to May 2018.  Principals who would like to nominate a teacher on their campus should contact their School Support Officer of Area Superintendent directly.

Important message for time recorders

2017 November 2
by HISD Communications

Standard work hours for hourly employees should be entered for Nov 3

All HISD personnel will be paid for Friday, November 3, 2017.

So that hourly employees are paid correctly, all HISD Time Recorders need to enter standard work hours.

The deadline to enter and approve time is Monday, November 6, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Employee Services at 713-556-7378.

Weekly Teacher Download for November 6

2017 November 2
by HISD Communications


Innovation Grant Program: Thanks to the generous donations from local community members and business partnerships, HISD Foundation is launching an Innovation Grant program to provide funds for teachers and schools to purchase equipment, supplies, and other items to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. The foundation will award $150,000 in Innovation Grants for the 2017-2018 school year and welcomes all teachers in grades Pre-K through 12 to apply. Stay tuned for additional information on how to apply.

Teacher Recognition Program: Through a sponsorship with Group 1 Automotive VIP Services, HISD is launching a new Teacher of the Month recognition program to honor our hard-working teachers. Beginning now and every month going forward, an exemplary teacher will receive a surprise visit from Superintendent Carranza, a gift basket full of goodies, including a $200 gift card, and a luxury loaner vehicle to drive for 30 days. The first teacher will be awarded this week and will have the opportunity to drive a BMW.

Awards for Aspirations in Computing: Do you know an educator who encourages female high school students’ interest and participation in technology? Here’s an opportunity to submit them for The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Aspirations in Computing Educator Award.  For more information on how to submit, click here. Submissions are due by Nov. 26.

Supplemental Sick Leave Bank (SSLB): The Supplemental Sick Leave Bank (SSLB) special enrollment period is Nov. 2-16, 2017. The SSLB program provides participants an opportunity to request up to 30 additional leave days per year for a catastrophic illness. Completed membership enrollment forms must be received by Nov.16.  For additional information on how to enroll, click here.

DACA Town Hall Meeting: HISD will hold a live town hall on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program at 3 p.m. on Nov. 13.  The program will be moderated by Univision anchor Raul Peimbert and HISD Chief Communications Officer Rebecca Suarez, discussing and answering questions about the program and the impact of DACA’s suspension. For more information on how to watch, click here.

Ice Cream Social: The Superintendent will be hosting an ice cream social for individuals who volunteered during Hurricane Harvey on Monday, Nov. 13 from 4-5:30 p.m. in the lobby of Hattie Mae White Education Support Center. Click here to RSVP.

TADS Training: Due to Hurricane Harvey, the board has approved adjusting TADS completion dates. The Update Training—OneSource course #503001, has been edited to reflect the most current changes. It will be available for completion now thru November 10. This course is not for teachers that have attended NEO in September and October. For those teachers that have completed the course, the resources can still be accessed and the calendar has been updated. Also refer to the TADS toolkit for the most up-to-date revisions and resources.  For more info, contact


K-5 Stem Academy: Session two of the K – 5 STEM Academy will be held on Monday, Nov. 6 at Pugh Elementary School from 4-5:30 p.m. The focus of this session is STEM in the Community. Participants will experience short STEM activities and will be provided with planning templates and many great ideas on how to make a STEM Night on their campus a success. Time and resources will be provided to begin planning a STEM Night for the 2017-2018 school year. If interested, register on One Source course #742002.

Professional Development: The Elementary Curriculum and Development Office is pleased to offer a variety of professional learning opportunities for teachers during the months of November and December 2017.  For more info, click the course list here.


Literacy in Action: Are you a fan of Literacy in the Middle or Literacy Empowered? You’re invited to a self-guided tour of hand-picked campuses and classrooms to view model examples of best literacy instruction. Tours will take place on Nov. 7 – 8 for middle and high schools from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Reserve your spot now in OneSource for course #779003 (middle school) or course #779002 (high school).  Expect to leave the tour loaded with ideas on how to best implement strategies and increase literacy on your campus!

Strategic Reading and Writing Monthly Meeting: Join the Secondary Curriculum and Development Literacy Team at the third Strategic Reading and Writing Monthly Meeting Nov. 9 at Lanier Middle School from 4 – 5:30 p.m.  Teachers will learn how to focus on the implementation of literacy practices in reading, writing, and small-group instruction for students in need of intervention. Register now on OneSource course #171003. For more information, click here.

HISD Closed on Friday, Nov. 3 in honor of the Astros

2017 November 2
by HISD Communications

Congratulations, Houston Astros!

Our hometown heroes have #EarnedHistory and are World Series Champions for the first time in franchise history!

This is a memorable moment for our city and a time to celebrate, especially after the challenges Houston has faced over the past several months.

In honor of our World Champions, and to allow our parents, students, and staff to enjoy the festivities and parade, all HISD schools and district offices will be closed on Friday, November 3, 2017. This decision was also made because we anticipate heavy traffic and congestion surrounding our schools and facilities during afternoon dismissal times.

Let’s help our city celebrate! We are #HoustonStrong and we are #HISDStrong.