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Weekly Teacher Download for the week of Oct. 3, 2016

2016 September 30
by HISD Communications




  • TADS deadlines are extended: The following deadlines have been extended:
  • Measures assignment for teachers extended to Tuesday, Oct. 4
  • Deadline for teachers to acknowledge measures extended to Monday, Oct. 17
  • Goal Setting Conferences extended to Friday, Nov. 11
    Student Measures assignment for the 2016-2017 school year will take place from Sept. 29-Oct. 4. Principals will receive a message from their PCIM when campus measures have been completed. Once a teacher is assigned their measures, they will receive an email from the system to acknowledge their measures so they can begin completing their Goals Worksheets. If a teacher wishes, s/he may request a meeting with his/her assigned appraiser to discuss the measures assigned. Additionally, Student Performance Goals Worksheets must be completed by the teacher and approved by the appraiser no later than the Goals Setting Conference, which is due Nov. 11. It is a district requirement that all teachers be on a developmental plan. Those teachers not on a PPA, must complete their IPDP and send it to their appraiser prior to the Goals Setting Conference. The 2015-2016 annual summative appraisal ratings are to be completed and shared with teachers at the Goals Setting Conference.
  • Register today for the free ‘unconference’ at Heights High School: Come enjoy a day of discussion and networking with educators from across the district during EdCamp on Saturday, Oct. 8. Bring an idea for a session that you would like to lead, or come with the anticipation of a day of learning. A session might feature exploration of a technology tool, discussion about best practices, or a collaborative presentation with multiple facilitators. Click here to watch an informative video about EdCamp or to register.
  • How to use data to effectively drive instruction: We’ve all heard about using data to determine how we approach our instruction, but how exactly do we do that? The Professional Support and Development team has a simple way to help you approach data and its incorporation in your practice: just think of getting G.A.S. to reach your destination. G.A.S. stands for “gather, assess, strategize,” and is a method teachers can remember as they determine how to best utilize the data gathered. A quick summary tells us to “gather” all scope and sequence information, lesson plans, best practices, and school approved resources to determine where students need to be and what they have yet to master. Then “assess” your students to see where they are by creating a standards-based assessment and grading rubric where questions are strategically grouped to quickly determine strengths and weaknesses by TEKS/ELPS, etc. Finally, “strategize” carefully both individually and then with your content team to determine how you can best further growth and student understanding by creating an instructional plan that will help students master the concept. For a full explanation of the G.A.S. method, click here.
  • Bilingual Teach Like a Champion Sessions: This year, bilingual Teach Like a Champion sessions with be offered at Coop Elementary School. The sessions will be presented by Lourdes Houston, a teacher at Coop, as well as a Teach Like A Champion Specialist within the Career Pathways Program. Houston has received training from the author of “Teach Like a Champion 2.0” Doug Lemov. The next session is set for Oct. 18 and will cover “Show Call: Let’s Check for Understanding.” This training is designed to help teachers develop the technique of “Show Call,” a type of cold call that involves taking students’ written work and displaying it to class. The session is scheduled for 4:30-6 p.m. in the Coop Library. Register in OneSource using course number 140010.
  • Get computer science certified, earn $1,000: As the district embraces digital learning and STEM education, teachers have the opportunity to earn a $1,000 stipend for becoming computer science certified. Teachers who take and pass the TExES CS 8-12 Certification Test in October/December 2016 or February 2017 will receive a $1,000 stipend just for passing the CS test. Additionally, the University of Texas-Austin is also sponsoring a face-to-face a certification prep course and reimbursing the cost of travel. Additional funding for the Certificate Incentive Program (CIP) has been secured through the February 2017 testing window. So, if you plan to take the certification exam or did not pass this summer, you can still take advantage of this opportunity. Click here for more information.

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Weekly Teacher Download for the week of Sept. 26, 2016

2016 September 23
by HISD Communications


  • Teach students the same coding language used by Apple programmers: Many students are already familiar with iPhones and iPads, so why not teach them how they work? Swift Playgrounds is a free app for iPads which helps teach students coding basics and computational thinking by allowing them to solve puzzles using Swift, the programming language used by Apple. No coding knowledge is needed. Download the app through the App Store or visit for more information. If you have any further questions, contact Jawad Tahiri at
  • Deadline approaching for compliance training: Friday, Sept. 30 is the deadline to complete four compliance courses on blood-borne pathogens, child abuse prevention, food allergies, and suicide prevention. All courses are taken though OneSource, and employees should be pre-registered for these mandatory online training courses. Click here to learn more and contact information if you have additional questions.
  • Need funds? Work with the Grants Department to find money for your classroom: As HISD grapples with a budget shortfall created by Texas’ public school finance system, campuses and teachers can work with the Grants Department to find additional sources of money to help support all phases of education. The Grants Department is available to help you navigate district policies and procedures surrounding the application and application of grant money. If you have questions about specific grants or the application process, call the Grants Department at 713-556-6785.
  • Free program helps with online reminders: Ever had a lesson that went better than expected or one that missed the mark all together? Wish you could turn those mental notes on what worked or didn’t into a reminder for later down the road? Advanced Academics has a solution for you. The free online program is a simple way to compose an email yourself that will be sent a month or more later. It’s an easy way set reminders for yourself to complete a to-do list or jog your memory to make a lesson more effective. For additional information, contact Kristen Chen at

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Non-teacher employees, managers must complete new appraisal process training 

2016 September 21
by HISD Communications

After the successful launch of OneSource, the system will also be used to complete the non-teacher appraisal process. In order to ensure managers and employees are prepared to use the system, all employees and appraisers are required to complete an in-person or online training by Friday, Sept. 30.

All non-teacher employees must complete a one-hour course. Register for the training in OneSource, using course number 9001 for the instructor-led session or course number 7001 for the online course.  read more…

Flu shots available on campus, district offices 

2016 September 19
by HISD Communications

UPDATED: Please see the link below for a new schedule, which was revised Sept. 28. 

As the flu season approaches, HISD is encouraging all employees to get the flu shot and to help avoid getting sick this winter. The flu shot is being offered free of charge to all employees, including associate teachers.

Click here for a full schedule of times and locations where the flu shot will be offered.

Please note that the nasal spray vaccine is not offered this year because the Centers for Disease Control has concerns about its effectiveness.

To receive your flu vaccine, bring your employee ID to any of the locations offering the flu shot. The vaccine is also available to HISD contractors for $25.

Weekly Teacher Download for the week of Sept. 19, 2016

2016 September 16
by HISD Communications




  • Recapture and how it affects your classroom: The state of Texas’s school finance formula considers HISD a ”property-wealthy” district and requires us to send $162 million back to the state. To help balance the budget, the district slashed central office budgets, but also had to cut $40 million from campuses. Learn more about how this broken school-finance system affects your campus, and help educate parents and the community using this helpful website:
  • New resource to help you build Global Graduates: Are you utilizing project-based learning in your classroom? Need some help determining how you evaluate your students’ work? Check out Advanced Academics’ new resource to help you do just that. Rubrics for grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 are available to provide teachers with a summative assessment tool for projects. Click here for more information.
  • Learn how to integrate computer coding into your lessons: If you want to integrate computer coding into your lessons, sign up for an introductory course on Scratch 101, an online resource that provides strategies for incorporating coding into reading, writing, math, or science lessons. The training is open to teachers in grades 3-8 and is scheduled for 8-11 a.m. at the Ryan Professional Development Center. Register using OneSourceMe, Course # 80006. Bring your own laptop and headphones.

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Team HISD: Volunteer for Read Houston Read  

2016 September 15
by HISD Communications

All it takes is one hour a week — either in-person or virtually 

RHR_fatimaMaking sure all students are reading at or above grade level by the end of third grade is the mission of HISD’s Literacy by 3 initiative. But our elementary teachers on the front lines in the classroom can’t do it alone. They need the help of everyone on Team HISD.  read more…

Take 5 Challenge helps district employees manage stress 

2016 September 14
by HISD Communications

Most of us deal with stress at work or home, but did you know there’s a simple way to help you manage those times?

Many times, all it takes is a few minutes of deep breaths to relax and refocus. The breathing exercise is something you can use during work hours, or even begin or end your day by taking five minutes to relax and breathe.  read more…

Recapture: What you need to know 

2016 September 12
by HISD Communications

Resources available to help Team HISD understand, explain the issue to stakeholders

HISD is subject to sending $162 million in local property-tax dollars to the state this year by purchasing attendance credits—and local voters will be given the option of authorizing the payment before it can be sent. It’s called “Recapture,” and it is the result of an outdated school finance system, commonly referred to as Robin Hood, which is based on rising property values.

[su_vimeo url=”″] read more…

Weekly Teacher Download for the week of Sept. 12, 2016

2016 September 9
by HISD Communications



  • TADS Talk Saturdays: Have questions about the Teacher Appraisal and Development System?
  • Come to Chavez High School on Saturday, Sept. 17, for the first TADS Talk Saturday. You may arrive for one of three concurrent 90-minute sessions that start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 1:30 p.m. The sessions will address policy, professional communication, questions, and how to take a leading role in the TADS processes. For more information regarding TADS or TADS Talk Saturdays, email


  • FREE STEM Curriculum and Training Available to K-8 Teachers
  • Want to bring project-based learning to your K-8 math and science classes but not sure where to find resources? Check out HISD’s STEM design challenges in the K-8 math and science HUB resource folders. These challenges align to math/science TEKS, ELPS, and CCRS standards, and offer you a new approach to teaching important content. Uncertain about how to get started with these resources? You’re in luck! The Advanced Academics department is hosting training sessions utilizing these K-8 STEM design challenges. Training sessions are from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in September, November, and January. Training for the Cycle 1 design challenge is this week, so come and join us. Walk-ins are welcome. You will leave with a fresh approach to your teaching and the knowledge of how to use the STEM resources available to you on the HUB.

    • Elementary design challenge trainings targeting cycle 1 standards: Sept. 12 from 4:30-6:30 p.m., Course #57002 in OneSource Learning
    • Middle school design challenge trainings targeting cycle 1 standards – Sept. 14  from 4:30-6:30 p.m., Course #57001 in OneSource Learning


  • Cultivating Authentic Inquiry-Driven Instruction for Basic and Proficient Learning
  • Sign up today for Independent Investigation Method training. The course satisfies the G/T 6-hour course-credit update. All participants will leave with IIM Teacher Manual, CD, and PowerPoint. Teachers will have one hour for lunch each day.


    OneSource ID



    Independent Investigation Method K-5


    8:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
    Oct. 13 and Oct. 20

    Ryan Professional Building

    Independent Investigation Method K-5


    8:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
    Oct. 18 and Oct. 25

    Ryan Professional Building

    Independent Investigation Method K-5


    8:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
    Oct. 27 and Nov. 10

    Ryan Professional Building

    Independent Investigation Method 6-12


    8:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
    Oct. 19 and Oct. 26

    Ryan Professional Building

    Independent Investigation Method K-12


    8:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
    Oct. 13 and Oct. 20

    Ryan Professional Building



  • Attend New Teacher Saturday on Sept. 17 at Chavez High School
  • Teaching is a balancing act. Learn how to save, manage, and maximize time at the Fall New Teacher Saturday: Managing Time on Sept. 17 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Chavez High School. Participants will select from more than 15 sessions, including Universal Design Learning, TADS Talk, classroom management quick techniques, saving time through technology integration, and much more. Register in OneSource using Course #54005. For more information, contact



  • MyON and Single-Sign-On Using the HUB
  • Thanks to single sign-on through the HISD HUB, gaining access to myON is much simpler than before. MyON, a digital book platform offering thousands of books in both English and Spanish, is available on all elementary, ECC, and K-8 campuses in the district. Teachers and students no longer need to remember usernames and passwords. Just login to the HISD HUB, click the More tab, click Digital Resources, and click the myON icon, and the class roster will appear. Teacher training on myON is available through the Elementary Curriculum and Development Literacy Team. For more information or to schedule a training, contact Cynthia Gonzalez at


  • New Format for K-5 Science Planning Guides
  • Not sure which activities support which components of 5E? Not to worry. Elementary Curriculum and Development is pleased to announce a new feature embedded within the K-5 science planning guides. The 5E’s represent five stages of sequence for teaching and learning science content: engage, explore, explain, extend (or elaborate), and evaluate. Each of the activities suggested in the planning guides are explicitly labeled as a component of the 5E instructional model. This new format will support teachers in planning for effective science lessons and student learning.


  • Required State of Texas Compliance Coursework for Teaching Identified G/T students. Participants will obtain the 30-hour course-credit requirement and will be introduced to the Scholar and Knowledge framework. The course will include the five G/T core knowledge and competencies: nature and needs, identification and assessment, social and emotional needs, creativity, and differentiation. Teachers will have 30 minutes for lunch each day. Register in OneSource using Course #AP_GT30.
    Course Date and Locations
    Sept. 13 – 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Ryan Professional Learning Center (PL8) 
    Sept. 20 – 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Ryan Professional Learning Center (PL8) 
    Sept. 27 – 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Ryan Professional Learning Center (PL8) 



  • All secondary math teachers are invited to join math training on September 17.  Choice topics include calculator training and instructional resource training.  Interested teachers should sign up using this link: For more information contact Alyssa Howell at


  • Social Studies Active Classroom Super Saturday on Sept. 24  at Hattie Mae White from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. This training opportunity will support teachers as they navigate the Active Classroom resources in order to plan instruction for the fall. Register in OneSource. For more information, contact Montra Rogers at


What makes a GREAT Teacher? – A Parent’s Perspective


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New Employee Orientation resumes weekly schedule beginning Sept. 12

2016 September 9
by HISD Communications

After a brief hiatus over the summer months, New Employee Orientation will return to its regular weekly schedule beginning September 12. Every Monday, new employees can learn more about the district and receive information vital to their success in Team HISD at New Employee Orientation. Topics covered include district policies and governance, benefits, risk management, IT policies and training, psychological services, payroll, risk management and appraisal training.

All sessions will take place at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center (4400 W. 18th St., Houston, TX 77092). Invitations will be sent to new employees’ personal email addresses as they are entered into the system of record. For questions, please contact