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Do you know someone who deserves a Team HISD hat?

2015 September 4
by HISD Communications

IMG_0992During each quarterly central office staff meeting, HISD gives out Team HISD hats to staff members who go beyond their normal day-to-day job duties to ensure our students receive a rigorous and high-quality education in a safe environment. In the past, we have left the hat nominations up to department managers, but now we want to hear from fellow employees.

Who on your team deserves to be recognized? Who is making a difference in the lives of children each and every day — even though they may not be in the classroom? The following criteria should be considered when employees are nominating someone for a Team HISD hat: read more…

Nutrition Services employees cashing in with perfect attendance

2015 September 4
by HISD Communications

NutrSvcsIncent_400HISD’s Nutrition Services department has launched an employee attendance incentive program that will reward employees for perfect attendance. Employees have the opportunity to receive $200 for being at work every day during four award periods.

The program started on Aug. 24, with an average of 48 days in each award period. Employees who miss a day still have a chance to earn money during other award periods.

“We want our employees to know that we appreciate that they are committed to their jobs,” Nutrition Services Senior Administrator Audene Chung said. “So employees can earn an extra $800 this year for perfect attendance.”

Exemptions have been taken into account for jury duty, subpoenas, funeral leave, and preapproved vacation. read more…

West Briar MS featured in first ‘WOW! Moment’ video

2015 September 2
by HISD Communications

New video series to share best practices among HISD schools

Amazing things are happening everyday within the walls of HISD’s 283 schools, and each month the HISD Multimedia team will be capturing some of these moments on video in a new series called “WOW! Moments.”

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Sherman ES principal partners with local businesses to combat ‘summer slide’

2015 September 2
by HISD Communications

Sherman Elementary Principal Ben Hernandez knows all about the “summer slide” students face once the school year ends, and he decided to do something about it.

Principal PLS

Chief Financial Officer Ken Hewitt, left, presents Sherman Elementary Principal Ben Hernandez with the Excellence in Leadership Award during the Principals’ Meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2015.

Hernandez enlisted the help of local businesses to donate goods or money to help create a series of summer programs designed to keep his students in a learning mode. His efforts earned him the inaugural Excellence in Leadership Award, presented at the Sept. 2 principals’ meeting. read more…

Hogg MS principal honored by Texas Parent Teacher Association

2015 September 1
by HISD Communications

Though she currently serves as the leader of Hogg Middle School, Angela Sugarek has been recognized by the Texas Parent Teacher Association (Texas PTA) as the Elementary Principal of the Year for her service to Durham Elementary School during the 2014–2015 academic year.

Sugarek was one of only five educators from across the state to be honored, and the only elementary principal in the group. She was formally recognized during the Texas PTA’s annual leadership seminar in Dallas over the summer.

Get that full story here.

Congratulations also go out this week to:

  • Last year’s kindergarteners at Oak Forest Elementary School, who earned their campus a “Rainforest Hero” designation after raising money to save a portion of Sumatran habitat. Read that full story here.
  • Students from the Leland College Preparatory Academy for Young Men and Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy, who jointly won the Excellence Award and the top prize at the first annual NSBE VEX National Championship in Anaheim, Calif. Read more here.
  • The hundreds of bus drivers and Transportation Services attendants who make sure students get to school safely every morning. They were recognized during a special appreciation event held on Aug. 28.
If you know someone who should be featured in Accolades, please email us at and tell us why.

HISD in the news/National news links for the week of Sept. 4, 2015

2015 September 1
by HISD Communications

HISD in the News

National News Links


Help encourage students to keep up their attendance

2015 September 1
by HISD Communications

Not all HISD employees directly work with students, but that doesn’t mean they can’t impact young people’s lives.

September is Attendance Awareness Month, and all district employees — from the central office to Construction & Facility Services — can help promote good attendance for the 2015–2016 school year. HISD has created a special website (missing school = missing out) that provides information and resources that employees and community members can use to spread the word to students and parents about the importance of being in the classroom every single day. read more…

Text-messaging service keeps employees in the loop

2015 August 31
by HISD Communications

The 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina serves as a reminder of our region’s vulnerability to Mother Nature’s power. Inclement weather can wreak havoc on the Houston area, and it’s important for HISD is able to communicate with employees during these times. read more…

New videos guide teachers through professional development

2015 August 28
by HISD Communications

Teachers sometimes only have a minute to spare. Soon, that’s all they will need to get a quick introduction to resources available on HISD’s Professional Support and Development website.

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Team HISD: Your hard work is about to pay off

2015 August 21
by HISD Communications

Dear Member of Team HISD,

Terry B. Grier, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools

Terry B. Grier, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

It’s hard to believe the summer break is over and that the 2015-2016 school year is about to begin. For most of you, I know the word “break” doesn’t accurately describe how you spent the last few months, and I want to take a moment to thank you for your hard work and dedication to ensure that we are ready for the start of another exciting school year.

Thousands of teachers and principals have spent countless hours in professional development this summer, growing and strengthening their craft. Warehouse, maintenance, and central office staff are making sure our campuses are in excellent condition and our classrooms are stocked with textbooks, technology, and supplies. Transportation and police are ensuring that students will arrive safely and on time to their campuses next week, while members of food services have been busy in the kitchen.

All of our efforts are about to pay off as we welcome back more than 215,000 students on Monday. read more…