Chief Technology Information Officer Lenny J. Schad (left) and Superintendent Terry B. Grier (right) —Photo by Swikar Patel/Education Week
HISD Superintendent Dr. Terry Grier and Chief Technology Information Officer Lenny Schad are being recognized for their leadership in education technology by Education Week, a leading nonprofit provider of news, information, and analysis in K-12 education.
Grier and Schad were selected from hundreds nominated by the magazine’s readers, staff reporters, other education writers, state school administrator groups, and experts in the K-12 field for their outstanding work.
Their profiles will be featured in Leaders To Learn From, an annual special report due out February 25, 2015, that spotlights innovative school-district leaders around the nation. They will also be included in Education Week. Preview Grier and Schad’s profiles here.
The HISD leaders will be honored at a special event March 17-18, 2015, in Washington, D.C., where district leaders and educators from across the country will honor them. Grier and Schad will be guests of the U.S. Department of Education as well.
HISD is also recognized in the current issue of Education Week for pressuring providers of digital instructional materials to make their content more easily accessible to school districts. Read the full article here.