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Bringing classrooms into the 21st century

2012 August 2
by HISD Communications

After six weeks of feedback from trustees, community leaders, parents, and educators, a revised 2012 bond proposal was discussed today at the Board of Education’s workshop.

In all, the new proposal includes funding to rebuild or renovate 38 schools, upgrade technology in all classrooms, and make other districtwide improvements. It would bring classrooms into the 21st century. For example: A new, state-of-the art DeBakey High School would be constructed in the Texas Medical Center. Meanwhile, historic exteriors at several campuses would be preserved. And this is all within the original budget of $1.89 billion. For more details on the proposal, click here.

HISD is committed to building schools on time and efficiently. We’re also determined to provide a rigorous education to all students. If the board votes on Aug. 9 to send this proposal to voters in November, the district will be ready to launch construction in 2014.

Members of Team HISD worked diligently to fine-tune this proposal, and I would like to commend them for their dedication and hard work. It is our duty as educators, parents, and as a community to ensure that our children can rely on safe, modernized schools that provide a rigorous learning environment.

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