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Providing teachers with the support they need to excel

2013 July 31
by HISD Communications

It’s amazing what people can do when they feel properly supported. No matter how prepared someone may be for a particular task, few things are as intimidating as facing a challenge alone. Sometimes just knowing that additional resources are available can give people the courage they need to press on in the face of adversity.

This week, hundreds of new teachers came together at the Houston Independent School District’s New Teachers Academy, and I was pleased to hear how many of them cited our support structure as one of the reasons they joined Team HISD.

Lonny Harris, who will teach English as a Second Language at Austin High School this fall, said, “I chose to come here because HISD gives its teachers an excellent support system—and because there are lots of opportunities available for good teachers.”

HISD has a robust support network in place to bring out the best in its teachers. Our instructors can take comfort in knowing that they are supported by a cadre of veteran educators who stand ready to provide them with whatever they need—whether it be encouragement, guidance, or simply the benefit of their own experiences.

You can read more about how we support great teaching through HISD’s Effective Teachers Initiative by clicking here.

Having a highly effective teacher in every classroom is one of HISD’s commitments to the Houston community, because we know that no other single factor has more impact on a child’s academic success than the quality of our teachers. Houston is a thriving city on a strong upward trajectory, and the teachers who do such a great job of preparing each new generation of leaders are a big reason why.

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