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Honoring Our Veterans Brings History To Life

2013 November 11
by HISD Communications

For teachable moments, living history is the best kind. We must turn to books and other media to learn about the rise and fall of great civilizations and our own Revolutionary forefathers.  But each year, Veterans Day reminds us how much history we have in our own midst.

It’s wonderful today to see how HISD schools are making the most of this chance to learn about patriotism and sacrifice from those in their own families and school communities who have served our country in uniform.

The array is touching:  Lyons ES hosting veterans on campus from as far back as the Korean Conflict and staging their own USO-style show, our JROTC stalwarts performing flag ceremonies,  youngsters from Windsor Village ES reading letters they’d written to veterans as part of a special salute sponsored by the Houston Astros, a concert scheduled tonight at Lovett Elementary – to name a few.

We hope you’ll use lessons from this very teachable holiday in your own home today, too, and every day – to share reminders about love of country – and that freedom must be earned and treasured through commitment and sacrifice.

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