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Are you a satisfied customer? HISD wants to know

2014 April 24
by HISD Communications

You’re a student, a teacher, a parent, an administrator – but in reality, you’re a customer of HISD. And just as your utility company or bank or restaurant asks for your opinions of their service, we’re interested in knowing how we’re doing in serving you.

That’s why, for the second year, HISD is conducting the Your Voice survey. We have a third-party conducting this enormous customer service assessment, and your answers are confidential. We want you to be honest in your opinions about how rigorous and consistent we are, and if you feel our schools are safe places – what we’re doing right and what we’re doing wrong.

The RDA Group, a global market research firm, is devising the survey, distributing it, receiving it, and tabulating the results.

Last year, we had 125,000 participants, and those responses were used to help individual campuses guide their plans for improvement, and by the Board of Trustees in their annual district “scorecard.”

This year, we’re hoping for even greater participation, and we’re working with schools to boost response percentages – even encouraging them to offer fun incentives, such as special perks and recognition at each campus – for increasing response levels.

So starting next week, please take a few minutes to answer some simple questions on Your Voice. Parents, teachers, and administrators will participate from May 1-30, and we’ll collect student surveys May 12-30.

As we tell our students, grades are important because they allow youngsters to reinforce what they’ve mastered and work harder on areas where they need improvement. That’s how we’re viewing Your Voice.

An engaged community makes for better schools, and we’re eager to hear from you.

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