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Hispanic Bar Association Doubles Down on College Scholarships

2012 October 17

Earlier this month, I mentioned how reliable our community partners have been in offering their assistance to our students. But on Oct. 16, I was pleasantly surprised again by the incredible generosity of our supporters.

You see, the Hispanic Bar Association of Houston (HisBA) had already committed to awarding three $1,000 scholarships to deserving Houston-area students. Applicants were judged on the basis of academic excellence, financial need, demonstrated leadership, and commitment toward the advancement of Hispanics. These graduating seniors would also be the first in their families to pursue higher education.

But what happened was that so many highly qualified students applied for the scholarship, HisBA made an unprecedented decision—it decided to double the number of scholarships it gave out this year.

Since all of the HisBA Scholarship for Excellence winners came from HISD schools this year, that means six of our students—instead of just three—will now have some much-needed financial assistance to offset the cost of higher education.

It is that kind of commitment to Houston’s young people that makes me proud to be a part of this community. And I am grateful to HisBA for recognizing the depth of need among our students, and responding to the call for assistance.

Please join me in congratulating the scholarship winners: Casandra Martinez (Chávez HS), Laura Ortíz (HSLECJ), Raul Piñeda (East Early College HS), Edith Solis (Eastwood Academy), Rosio Trejo (Worthing HS), and Sarahy Umanzor (Lee HS).

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