Are you a successful, motivated teacher? Contact Teacher Recruitment and Selection at teacherrecruitment@houstonisd.org
On March 23, 2013 the Houston Independent School District (HISD) will be hosting the 2ndannual “Experience HISD” event, targeted specifically to recruit experienced teachers with a proven track record of success. Principals will have the opportunity to award early contracts to candidates that demonstrate a strong fit for their campus.
“Experience HISD” emphasizes the value of having experienced teachers in our district. The event provides information about competitive salaries, a wide variance of schools, and monetary incentives for critical shortage areas (math, science, bilingual, and special education), as well as various pathways of professional growth and development through the new teacher appraisal and development system and ASPIRE
Experienced teachers from surrounding areas are encouraged to attend to learn more about HISD and the upcoming opportunities available across the district. To find out more, visit www.houstonisd.org or email Teacher Recruitment and Selection at teacherrecruitment@houstonisd.org.