District Program Locates, Evaluates, Identifies Students With Disabilities

Do you suspect your child has a disability or do you know a parent that suspects their child might have a disability? HISD’s Child Find locates, evaluates, and identifies students with disabilities from 3 to 21 years of age. Anyone can start the process: a parent, doctor, teacher, relative or friend.

“HISD has a responsibility to evaluate and serve students who may need special education and related services regardless of whether or not the student is enrolled in an HISD school,” said Child Study Manager Michael Webb. “If services are needed enrollment in HISD for children with disabilities can begin as early as age three.”

If a child is currently enrolled in a HISD school, the child’s teacher will assist parents in understanding available interventions and the special education evaluation process. The evaluation will look at the whole child and will determine if a disability exists. If it is determined that a disability exists, a special education meeting is held by committee , which includes the child’s parents, to look at HISD special education services that can be put in place to help the child better access the general education curriculum.

Some of the most common disabilities the Child Study office diagnoses and treats in the early years (ages 3-5) are speech related, which often can be treated and mitigated by the time the child starts school. “We want to make sure Houston’s children are evaluated and identified early on so they can have access to services before they even start kindergarten, so they can be better prepared,” said Webb. “If you have a three or four-year-old child and they are not talking much, or they are not meeting other developmental milestones such as walking or interacting with other children, then please contact us.”

Parents can contact the Child Study office at 713-434-4717 or through email at childstudyrequests@houstonisd.org. Parents of older children, up to age 21, who suspect a learning disability, such as dyslexia, are also encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or the HISD Office of Special Education Services. To download a flier, please click here (pdf).