A team of 24 leaders from almost a dozen different HISD departments will be at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education this week to take part in a learning institute called, “Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Reaching all Learners.”
The purpose of the institute is to consolidate strategies for delivering instruction to different types of learners, so that all district initiatives will be better aligned to support classroom teachers in using the UDL framework.
“This is about applying what has been learned over the past 25 years about personalizing learning for students with special needs, so we can truly reach all learners across our entire district,” said Dr. Beth Goodrich, a senior manager in the Office of Special Education Services. “We will be hearing from three of the most highly respected experts in the field, including one of the co-founders of the UDL framework, Dr. David Rose.”
HISD attendees will get a better idea of how to apply UDL principles to key district initiatives that impact learning environments, such as PowerUp, bond programs, and Literacy By 3.
The institute is scheduled for July 7–11.