In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, HISD students had the opportunity to thank Houston firefighters by creating gifts of art that reflect the heroism of their work.
Michelle Hernandez, a student at East Early College High School, created artwork portraying a firefighter whose shadow turns into a figure wearing a cape. “We might see a firefighter, but we all know they are all heroes,” said Hernandez.
HISD thanked firefighters during November’s College & Career Ready Day at Austin High School, where Houston Fire Chief Sam Peña reflected on the sacrifices made by the city’s firefighters during and after the storm.
“The men and women in our department responded admirably,” said Peña. “Some of these individuals were out there working two, three, four days straight.”
HISD District VIII Trustee Diana Dávila said first responders played a key role in getting Houston schools ready to welcome students back to the classroom — and back to a sense of normalcy — after Harvey. “While everybody else was trying to get their lives together and get their homes together, our first responders had to go back and work,” said Dávila. “It’s these people that rally together and help make it all possible.”
Watch the video above for a look at how HISD said thank you to the men and women of the Houston Fire Department.