Special Education Advisory Committee accepting panelist applications

The Houston Independent School District’s Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is inviting parents and members of the community to serve on the committee.

The purpose of the committee is to serve in an advisory role to the Assistant Superintendent for Special Education Services by providing feedback on such issues as parent advocacy and voice; instruction and support; compliance and monitoring; and professional development. The committee promotes active engagement with parents as partners of OSES regarding the services provided to students with disabilities.

The SEAC is scheduled to meet 4 times during the calendar year at different campuses located throughout the district. The committee is comprised of 18 parents, 4 principals and 4 community partners.  The selection process will be held annually and will consist of an application submission and lottery process.

Membership Eligibility

  • SEAC positions are exclusive to HISD parents of students with disabilities who complete the application process.
  • Campus principals who serve students with disabilities
  • Community members with relevant professional experience in the fields of education, medicine or advocacy


The application and lottery selection process will be conducted by the Office of Special Education Services.  To apply, please go to the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2XFWQR8.

  • All applications must be submitted by Friday, September 20, 2019
  • All interested parents must submit an online application.  For parents who may need assistance, parent liaisons will be available via phone to assist.  Please call 713-556-7042 for assistance.
  • Applications will be sorted by trustee area and grade level (elementary and secondary).
  • Applications for each area and level will be numbered for the lottery.
  • A lottery will be held for each area and level whereas a number will be pulled to identify which applicant will be selected as the representative for that area.
  • Selected members will be notified. 
  • If an applicant declines, the lottery process will be conducted for that vacancy.