Vote for 2020-2021 Fan Favorite Teachers of the Year

Houston Independent School District will name its “Fan Favorite” Teachers of the Year in June, and you can vote now for your pick.

Voting begins Wednesday, May 5, and ends on Friday, May 14. Winners will be determined in three categories (Elementary School, Middle School, and High School) and will be announced on June 15 at the virtual Educators of the Year event.

That event will also recognize the districtwide elementary and secondary Teachers of the Year, determined using performance data and other criteria. However, the Fan Favorite category was created so the HISD community could vote for their favorite teachers.

All campus-based Teachers of the Year are eligible, which will be determined by who has the largest number of fans. Anyone can vote—including colleagues, parents, students, and former students. 

Visit to vote. Voting ends Friday, May 14.