Annual Your Voice survey begins May 1

surveylinkMay 1 marks the kickoff of the annual Your Voice survey – Houston Independent School District’s largest customer satisfaction survey. Your Voice will allow more than 160,000 students, parents, instructional staff, and community members to give honest feedback about the district in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Parent and instructional staff surveys will be conducted May 1-30, 2015, and parents have the option of completing the printed survey or accessing it online. Student surveys are from May 11 until May 30, 2015.

In the past two years, the annual survey has helped guide HISD administrators and instructors toward district goals and helped school leaders better understand the needs of each campus.

“After we realized the valuable data we would receive from the survey, we advertised it better,” said Neff Elementary Principal Amanda Wingard last year. “We did call outs to our parents to remind them to turn it in.”

The survey is conducted, and results are tallied, by a third-party, global market research and consulting firm to ensure privacy. It is completely confidential and all respondents are assured anonymity.

Your Voice is a chance for HISD stakeholders to make a difference in the education of Houston’s children. So speak up. Be great. Use your voice. For more information and to take the survey, go to

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