HISD amends perfect attendance rules and high school student exemptions for final exams
The Houston Independent School District continues to closely monitor the potential impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the HISD community. The district has not experienced any active cases of COVID-19.
As Spring Break draws near, we are asking all HISD students, families, and staff to take extra precautions when traveling. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s travel guidelines provide country-specific information at the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel website.
Staff and students returning from countries identified in the CDC’s travel warnings should notify their campus and self-quarantine at home for a period of 14 days, returning only when symptom-free. Absences for these students will be marked excused. Staff members who self-quarantine will need to follow normal absence-reporting procedures.
As a measure to ensure proper health guidelines are followed, HISD is making the following updates to perfect attendance for all students and senior student exemptions for final exams:
- Perfect attendance guidelines for the remainder of the 2019-20 school will be suspended for all students. Perfect attendance for the 2019-20 school year will be recognized through March 6, 2020.
- For high school students, attendance criteria
for final exam exemptions will be suspended for Spring 2020.
Keeping our HISD community healthy is of the utmost importance so that productive instruction can continue. For ongoing updates and information, visit HoustonISD.org/HealthAlerts.