Lights. Camera. Lead. HISD spotlights Star Educator Zaira Gomez

Zaira Gomez is a longtime HISD employee and HISD graduate, serving in many different positions within the District since graduating from Worthing High School 21 years ago. Her loyalty, drive and commitment to increasing academic achievement are what make her this week’s HISD Star Educator.

Cornelius Elementary had the benefit of already using several of the techniques utilized in HISD’s New Education System (NES) before they adopted the program, and Gomez credits the school’s culture of high expectations for how quickly her students and staff adjusted to the changes in their school day and their curriculum. 

Gomez began her career with HISD as a front desk clerk at Cornelius Elementary, where she worked while she earned a degree in Psychology from the University of Houston. She worked her way up as a teacher, literacy coach, assistant principal, and finally principal in 2019. Gomez also holds a master’s degree in Counseling from the University of St. Thomas and a principal certification from Lamar University. 

Gomez now serves as Executive Director of Feeder for HISD’s South Division where she works to help campus leaders excel, just like she did.

Learn more about Zaira Gomez and her journey with Cornelius Elementary below:

Favorite subject in school: Math, because numbers are universal, and as an immigrant and an emergent bilingual student, reading was tough! Unlike other subjects, math didn’t rely heavily on language, which made it easier for me to grasp concepts and solve problems without worrying about vocabulary or grammar. It gave me confidence and a sense of achievement, helping me feel successful even while navigating the challenges of learning a new language.

Favorite memory of your time with HISD: I have countless amazing memories, but one that stands out is the transition I made from student to employee immediately after high school, exactly 21 years ago. That moment marked the beginning of my professional journey, and the rest, as they say, is history!

Favorite thing about Houston: My favorite thing about Houston is its incredible diversity, which makes it feel like home, especially as an immigrant. The city’s multicultural environment allows me to connect with people from all over the world, making it easy to find a sense of belonging.