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Register now: 20/20 Multilingual Symposium

2020 May 14
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by HISD Communications

Multilingual Programs will be hosting its annual symposium on June 24-25, 2020. This year’s theme is 20/20: FOCUS on Language, where participants will gain valuable resources, strategies and inspiration to ensure their English Learners achieve academic success. Multilingual Programs will deliver the symposium as a digital event via Microsoft Teams in response to concerns around coronavirus (COVID-19) and in accordance with guidance from our district and local health officials.

Keynote addresses will be presented by Dr. Mónica Lara, a senior educational consultant for bilingualism and biliteracy for Seidlitz Education, and Dr. Sharroky Hollie, a national educator who provides professional development in the area of cultural and linguistic responsiveness. Dr. Lara’s belief system, presented in her signature message Enseñanza para todos (teaching for all), is engaging, invigorating and refreshing. Dr. Hollie highlights teaching practices that support being linguistically responsive to English Learners. 

Participants can choose up to eight professional learning sessions, including from Dr. Lara and Dr. Hollie, as well as from other experts, such as Carol Salva, Nancy Motley, and Dr. Michelle Yzquierdo. Teachers will refine their instructional practices while interacting with their bilingual, dual language and ESL colleagues in a collaborative learning environment.

Participants will also get to engage with online bilingual and dual language resources, which are instrumental in driving effective 21st century practices. A variety of resources will be offered to teachers who attend sessions and all attendees will be entered into prize giveaways!

This virtual experience has something for every educator who serves English Learners (EL). Register for the symposium in OneSource. For the online course selection and program guide, click here. Click here for the event flyer.

Featured Sessions:

Session TitleTarget Audience
NewcomersPathways to Greatness for ELL Newcomers
Boosting Achievement for Under schooled Students
Newcomer Teachers
SIFE Teachers
ESL Teachers
Spanish¡Toma la palabra!
El libro de estrategias de escritura
El libro de estrategias de lectura
Bilingual Teachers
Dual Language Teachers
Cultural and
Linguistic Teaching
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive
Teaching and Learning: Classroom Practices for
Student Success
Bilingual Teachers
ESL Teachers

Supplemental Sick Leave Bank (SSLB): 2020-21 Pre-Enrollment

2020 May 1
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by HISD Communications

Program offers up to 30 additional leave days for catastrophic illness/injury

The HISD Supplemental Sick Leave Bank (SSLB) program offers participants up to 30 additional leave days for extended absences due to a catastrophic injury or illness.

SSLB membership enrollment and Disenrollment is now online!  Access is available through OneSource ESS. 

The SSLB membership enrolled or not enrolled notices will be emailed to eligible employees during the week of May 11, 2020. Enrollment Information and plan details are also available on the SSLB webpage. Please note that current SSLB members are automatically re-enrolled in the program, as long as there is an available local leave day, available to donate as of September 1, 2020. Employees eligible for the program will be emailed information during the week of May 11th.

For purposes of clarification, if an SSLB participating employee is ill due to COVID-19 and has a doctor’s approval to recover from COVID-19 for seven up to 30 days, this will qualify for SSLB assuming all other SSLB requirements are met.  The same is true for testing positive for COVID-19 and having medical recommendation to quarantine at home and otherwise meeting all other SSLB requirements.  However, the SSLB will not extend to SSLB leave days to care for a household member that might have COVID-19.

Eligible employees may enroll or cancel membership during the pre-enrollment period through June 12, 2020. An open enrollment period will be held in August for employees to enroll or terminate membership. A final enrollment period for the school year will be held in November for enrollment only. 

Contact Employee Support Services via email at for additional assistance.

Open transfer period for teachers runs from April 20 to May 22

2020 April 15
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by HISD Communications

HISD’s annual Open Teacher Transfer Period will begin on Monday, April 20, and end at
5 p.m. on Friday, May 22. Transfer requests will not be considered after May 22.

During this period, eligible teachers and nurses are free to transfer between HISD campuses
to fill open positions for the 2020-2021 school year.

Principals are reminded to complete all required reference checks before making an offer.

Application guidelines and eligibility requirements are posted on “MyHISD” and accessible
at this link: Human Resources Forms and Documents

Contract employees who decide to resign from the district are reminded that the
penalty-free resignation deadline is July 10.

For additional questions, please contact your Human Resources Business Partner.

Save the Date: 20/20 Multilingual Symposium

2020 March 12
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by HISD Communications

Multilingual Programs will be hosting its annual symposium on June 24-25, 2020 at the Kingdom Builders’ Center (6011 W Orem Dr., 77085). This year’s theme is 20/20: FOCUS on Language, where participants will walk away with valuable resources, strategies and inspiration to ensure their English Learners achieve academic success.

Participants will have the opportunity to attend two key note addresses and choose up to eight professional learning sessions from experts such as Carol Salva, Nancy Motley, and Dr. Michelle Yzquierdo to name a few.  Teachers will have the opportunity to refine their instructional practices while interacting with their bilingual, dual language and ESL colleagues in a collaborative learning environment.

Participants will also get to engage with online bilingual and dual language resources, which are instrumental in driving effective 21st century practices. A variety of resources will be offered to teachers who attend sessions and all attendees will be entered into prize giveaways!

Stay tuned for highlights on presenters and sessions along with registration information.


2020 March 12
by HISD Communications

District leaders should submit nominations by Friday, March 27

Elementary, middle, and high school principals are asked to nominate volunteers from their schools for the district’s annual Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS) recognition event. Nominations should be submitted by  Friday, March 27, 2020 via the 2019-2020 District-Wide Volunteer of the Year Awards guidelines and nomination forms.

The most significant factor in nominating an individual or program is the outstanding quality of volunteer service with an emphasis on student achievement and assistance given to students and school staff.

Please note on the nomination form that there has been a change in the nomination category.  All nominees must be registered through VIPS and cleared to volunteer for the 2019– 2020 school year.  Each school may send one nomination for each of the four categories. Only one winner will be chosen from each category. Once the nomination applications have been reviewed by the judges, finalists will be selected from the pool of nominations and the winners will be announced at the VIPS Recognition Reception on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at HISD Delmar Fieldhouse. 

Coronavirus resources for employees

2020 March 10
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by HISD Communications

Who should I contact with coronavirus questions or concerns?

HISD Benefits has a number of resources for employees. Be sure to add these telephone numbers to your list of contacts, download any related apps, and bookmark the websites for future reference. For information about your prescription coverage from Express Scripts, see the link to a video below.

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. These provisions will apply from April 1 through December 31, 2020.
For complete details see this flyer.

HISD Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

ComPsych’s GuidanceResources from the HISD Employee Assistance Program is available at no cost 24/7 for all employees and their household members.  Log on to their website for articles, podcasts, videos, slideshows, on-demand trainings and “Ask the Expert” personal responses to your questions. They have made available a Coronavirus Resources Toolkit that includes an overview, resources, a webinar, and much more. For counseling and other resources, log on to and use the Web ID “HISD” or call 1-833-812-5181.

Kelsey-Seybold ACO

Employees and their covered dependents enrolled in the Kelsey ACO plan can call Kelsey Telemedicine at 713-442-0427 or log in to Be sure to download the Kelsey app as well.


For employees enrolled in any HISD medical plan and their covered dependents, the Aetna 24/7 Nurse Line is prepared to take calls and answer questions at 800-556-1555. Be sure to download the Aetna app as well.

Houston Health Department

The Houston Health Department has a Coronavirus hotline at 832-393-4220, which is available to all employees and their household members.

HISD Health and Wellness Centers

If you think you may have the coronavirus, these centers are available at no charge to employees and their covered dependents enrolled in an HISD medical plan. Call first before going to one of the clinics so that you may be properly evaluated and limit everyone’s exposure. Additional information regarding the HISD Health and Wellness Centers is located at

Next Level Urgent Care Centers

HISD employees enrolled in a medical plan have access to the Next Level Urgent Care Centers across the Houston area as well. Select Plan members pay no fee, while medical plan members and their covered dependents pay $20. Call before going so that you can be properly evaluated and limit everyone’s exposure. Additional information and maps are available at They have a mobile app as well.

Express Scripts

Express Scripts Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Steve Miller addresses some of the most frequently asked questions related to COVID-19 and your prescription drug benefits in a video here.

For comprehensive benefits information and resources, call the Benefits Service Center at 877-780-HISD (4473).

TWC Child Care Program

The Texas Workforce Commission offers financial aid to parents with children under 13 years of age and who meet eligibility criteria via their Child Care Program.

“Eligible families of children under the age of 13 may receive child care financial assistance so that parents can work, attend school, or participate in training.”

Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis; must meet eligibility requirements, and applicants will be placed on a waiting list until the application is processed and approved. Currently, 3-month temporary emergency assistance is being provided to identified essential workers who meet eligibility criteria.

Any parent who believes they qualify can complete and submit this application to the email address included –

Employees should select “Other” for the occupation that qualifies you as an essential worker and add “Houston ISD Employee” in the description.

Weekly Teacher Download for March 9

2020 March 6
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by HISD Communications


Special Education Parent Summit: The Office of Special Education Services in collaboration with Dyslexia Services will host the OSES Spring Parent Summit on Saturday, April 25, 2020, from 8 a.m. to noon, at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center (4400 West 18th St., 77092). The theme of the summit is “Passport to Success: Supporting the Whole Child,” and will address topics such as dyslexia, behavior, transition, and social skills.  In addition, Autism will be highlighted as April is Autism Awareness month. A light breakfast will be provided as well as childcare services for parents to attend the session (Parents may identify needs during registration).  For more information and to register, click here.

Open Transfer Period: ​HISD’s annual Open Transfer Period will begin on Monday, April 20 and end at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 22.  Transfer requests will not be considered after May 22.During this period, eligible teachers and nurses are free to transfer between HISD campuses to fill open positions for the 2020-2021 school year.  Application guidelines and eligibility are forthcoming and will be posted on myHISD. If a contract employee decides to resign from the district, please remind them that the penalty-free deadline is July 10. If you have additional questions, please contact your Human Resources Business Partner.

Digital Literacy Moments Challenge: Digital Literacy Moments Challenge: The Education Technology team invites students K-12 to work as teams to produce a 60-90 second digital animation and/or video, highlighting important tips about how to be safe online. “Digital Safety Moments” can be produced in any format, including live video, animation or a sequence of narrated images. Click here to view previous submissions and review possible topics. Deadline for submissions is March 29. For more information on the challenge, click here.


Literacy X3 Reboot Day 2: In partnership with Scholastic, the Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Office will provide and facilitate Day 2 of a full-day training for the district’s Literacy X3 Reboot from March 10-May 7 at HISD Educational Learning Center (10725 Mesa Dr., 77078). All kindergarten through third-grade teachers will attend a day of professional learning centered around building a culture of independent reading and holding students accountable for grade level comprehension and vocabulary standards. Teachers will attend the professional learning sessions with their grade level band.  Schools may choose to stagger the teachers in attendance or send them on the same day in grade level teams for both rounds of professional learning. For more information, click here.


HISD Summer Internship Now Open: HISD is currently accepting applications for its 2020 Summer Student Leadership Program, a six-week paid summer internship and leadership development program for HISD high school students and alumni currently enrolled in college. The program, which runs from June8-July 16 will select 65 students to complete an internship in various departments under the mentorship of district leaders. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 8, 2020. The application process requires students to complete two steps, outlined at

Civil Knowledge and Action project: Through a collaboration with, The Council of Great City Schools and College Board are excited to announce the Civic Knowledge and Action Project for schools that offer AP U.S. Government and Politics and AP with WE Service. The project aims to help students participate in the real-world application of their course content by leading voter registration drives in their schools and promoting census participation in their communities. For more information, click here.

CTE Professional development: The CTE Department is offering the following training, “Soar High with Drones” on March 26. For more information on the trainings and OneSource course numbers, click here.

Call for CTE presenters: Do you have a best practice you would like to share with your peers?  Are you interested in leading a professional development? We’d love for CTE teachers to consider sharing what you are teaching and show how you’re preparing students for certifications, employment and beyond. Also, this helps empower peer collaboration by creating space and time for authentic planning and collaboration. To submit your request, click here.  

College and Career Readiness Survey: As part of the efforts to better assist students as they transition into life after high school, a districtwide survey will be administered to seniors through a course on the HUB entitled “College and Career Readiness Survey”. The information gathered in the survey will assist the College Readiness Department and will be used in an evaluation of the program by the Department of Research and Accountability. Each senior in the district will be placed in this course and assigned the survey as a task, which should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All surveys should be completed by March 27.

Weekly Teacher Download for March 2

2020 March 2
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by HISD Communications

Educators of the Year: HISD will be recognizing teaching excellence across our district through the Teacher of the Year (TOY) awards at the annual HISD Educator of the Year banquet on Friday, May 1 at Hilton Americas Hotel (1600 Lamar St., 77010). This year we are celebrating New Orleans-styleto recognize our 2019-2020 Campus Teachers of the Year (TOYs), Beginning TOYs, Librarian of the Year (LOY), Instructional Coaches, Leadership Excellence and other special recognitions. Every school is encouraged to purchase tickets for your campus TOY and one guest, BTOY honoree and one guest, as well as additional tickets for the campus/community team who will attend to support your campus honorees by March 27. For more information on how to purchase tickets, click here.


The Gifted and Talented Expo: The Gifted and Talented Department will host a districtwide Gifted and Talented (G/T) Expo on Thursday, April 23 at Delmar Field House (2020 Mangum Rd., 77092). At the District G/T Expo, gifted and talented students will present their research and products to other students, teachers, families, and community members. Each HISD campus is being asked to hold a campus-based G/T expo in advance of the district G/T Expo.  Following your campus-based expo, campuses must select three students/groups with projects that exemplify advanced level products.Campuses should RSVP by March 6.

Open Transfer Period: ​HISD’s annual Open Transfer Period will begin on Monday, April 20 and end at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 22.  Transfer requests will not be considered after May 22.During this period, eligible teachers and nurses are free to transfer between HISD campuses to fill open positions for the 2020-2021 school year.  Application guidelines and eligibility are forthcoming and will be posted on myHISD. If a contract employee decides to resign from the district, please remind them that the penalty-free deadline is July 10. If you have additional questions, please contact your Human Resources Business Partner.

Digital Literacy Moments Challenge: Digital Literacy Moments Challenge: The Education Technology team invites students K-12 to work as teams to produce a 60-90 second digital animation and/or video, highlighting important tips about how to be safe online. “Digital Safety Moments” can be produced in any format, including live video, animation or a sequence of narrated images. Deadline for submissions is March 29. For more information on the challenge, click here. For topic ideas, click here.

Spring 2020 DDIS Cohort: Are you interested in learning more about the Data-Driven Instruction Specialist (DDIS) Program? Do you enjoy supporting teachers in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join the HISD Student Assessment Department in conjunction with the HISD Office of School Leadership for an information session on the new DDIS Leadership Cohort on Saturday, March 7 at Waltrip High School from 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Click here for the flyer.

Goalbook—The Web-Based One-Stop Shop for Educators:  Need academic or behavior interventions?  What about progress monitoring tools, lesson planning ideas, or new strategies?  You don’t want to miss the Goalbook Training on March 5 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. at HISD Nutrition Services (6801 Bennington St., 77028). The course will present all the features of Goalbook including strategies that support academic content aligned to the TEKS, strategies and content to support social/emotional learning, and strategies and content to support English language learners. Those interested may register in OneSource, course #1441134. For more information, click here.


Literacy X3 Reboot Day 2: In partnership with Scholastic, the Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Office will provide and facilitate Day 2 of a full-day training for the district’s Literacy X3 Reboot from March 10-May 7 at HISD Educational Learning Center (10725 Mesa Dr., 77078). All kindergarten through third-grade teachers will attend a day of professional learning centered around building a culture of independent reading and holding students accountable for grade level comprehension and vocabulary standards. Teachers will attend the professional learning sessions with their grade level band.  Schools may choose to stagger the teachers in attendance or send them on the same day in grade level teams for both rounds of professional learning. For more information, click here.


Civil Knowledge and Action project: Through a collaboration with, The Council of Great City Schools and College Board are excited to announce the Civic Knowledge and Action Project for schools that offer AP U.S. Government and Politics and AP with WE Service. The project aims to help students participate in the real-world application of their course content by leading voter registration drives in their schools and promoting census participation in their communities. For more information, click here.

CTE Professional development:The CTE Department is offering the following trainings—“Supporting English Learners in the CTE Classroom for CTE Math and Science Teachers” on March 5, “Integrating Robotics and Arduino into CS and STEAM Education” on March 6, and “ Soar High with Drones” on March 26. For more information on the trainings and OneSource course numbers, click here.

Call for CTE presenters: Do you have a best practice you would like to share with your peers?  Are you interested in leading a professional development? We’d love for CTE teachers to consider sharing what you are teaching and show how you’re preparing students for certifications, employment and beyond. Also, this helps empower peer collaboration by creating space and time for authentic planning and collaboration. To submit your request, click here.  

College and Career Readiness Survey: As part of the efforts to better assist students as they transition into life after high school, a districtwide survey will be administered to seniors through a course on the HUB entitled “College and Career Readiness Survey”. The information gathered in the survey will assist the College Readiness Department and will be used in an evaluation of the program by the Department of Research and Accountability. Each senior in the district will be placed in this course and assigned the survey as a task, which should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All surveys should be completed by March 27.

TSU Summer Engineering Program: The Department of Engineering at Texas Southern University, in collaboration with the Army funded UNITE program, will be hosting its Annual Pre-College Engineering Summer Program from June 8 to July 2. The program encourages and helps prepare students to pursue a college education in engineering and related fields, as part of a national initiative to develop a talented and trained STEM workforce. Students are eligible for a $400 stipend and must apply by May 15. For more information, click here.

Prom Challenge: Do you want a chance to win $5,000 to throw a legendary prom? Prom Challenge is a new program created in p partnership between, the “When We All Vote” and “MTV’s +1thevote campaign.” Rent the Runway and other brands have joined forces to celebrate and recognize 20 high schools across the country integrating voter registration into their schools. Schools interested can apply here by sharing creative ideas for how to incorporate voter registration into their school. The goal is to register voters in your community and on your campus.  The deadline to apply is March 13. Click here for more details.

Weekly Teacher Download for February 24

2020 February 21
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by HISD Communications

Educators of the Year: HISD will be recognizing teaching excellence across our district through the Teacher of the Year (TOY) awards at the annual HISD Educator of the Year banquet on Friday, May 1 at Hilton Americas Hotel (1600 Lamar St., 77010). This year we are celebrating New Orleans-styleto recognize our 2019-2020 Campus Teachers of the Year (TOYs), Beginning TOYs, Librarian of the Year (LOY), Instructional Coaches, Leadership Excellence and other special recognitions. Every school is encouraged to purchase tickets for your campus TOY and one guest, BTOY honoree and one guest, as well as additional tickets for the campus/community team who will attend to support your campus honorees by March 27. For more information on how to purchase tickets, click here.


Spring 2020 DDIS Cohort: Are you interested in learning more about the Data-Driven Instruction Specialist (DDIS) Program? Do you enjoy supporting teachers in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please join the HISD Student Assessment Department in conjunction with the HISD Office of School Leadership for an information session on the new DDIS Leadership Cohort on Saturday, March 7 at Waltrip High School from 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Click here for the flyer.

Goalbook—The Web-Based One-Stop Shop for Educators:  Need academic or behavior interventions?  What about progress monitoring tools, lesson planning ideas, or new strategies?  You don’t want to miss the Goalbook Training on March 5 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. at HISD Nutrition Services (6801 Bennington St., 77028). The course will present all the features of Goalbook including strategies that support academic content aligned to the TEKS, strategies and content to support social/emotional learning, and strategies and content to support English language learners. Those interested may register in OneSource, course #1441134. For more information, click here. 

Info Session-Early Reading Specialist: The Elementary Curriculum and Development team will host an informational session for any qualified teacher interested in becoming an Early Literacy Reading Specialist on February 24 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. at Hattie Mae White Board Auditorium (4400 West 18th St., 77092). During the 86th legislative session, new reading requirements were included in House Bill 3, which states kindergarten through third-grade teachers are required to participate in professional development known as Reading Academies that focus on teaching core reading and writing skills. To learn more about the cohort and requirements, click here.

HISD Self-Care Initiative: Have you ever experienced burnout? The Social and Emotional Learning Department will host a self-care series on February 26, where SEL trainers will hold one-hour yoga, mindfulness and other self-care sessions for teachers and district staff. This initiative is targeted to help teachers and staff avoid burnout, improve mental wellness and staff morale. Participants may register for the course in One Source, #1441062. For more information, click here. Principals can request to host a session for their campus teams by contacting Nicole Batiste at

Student Assessment Summit: The Student Assessment Department will be hosting a 2020 Spring Student Assessment Summit on February 29 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at Lawson Middle School (1400 Stancliff St., 77045). Sessions will focus on how to make summative and formative connections to STAAR and will include state accountability, designated supports, TEKS monitoring, data tracking systems, as well as critical reports for teachers and leaders. Register today in OneSource, course #1440130. For more information, click here.


Literacy X3 Reboot Day 2: In partnership with Scholastic, the Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Office will provide and facilitate Day 2 of a full-day training for the district’s Literacy X3 Reboot from March 10-May 7 at HISD Educational Learning Center (10725 Mesa Dr., 77078). All kindergarten through third-grade teachers will attend a day of professional learning centered around building a culture of independent reading and holding students accountable for grade level comprehension and vocabulary standards. Teachers will attend the professional learning sessions with their grade level band.  Schools may choose to stagger the teachers in attendance or send them on the same day in grade level teams for both rounds of professional learning. For more information, click here.


CTE Professional development:The CTE Department is offering the following trainings—”Employability Skills: It’s What Employers Want!” on March 2, “Supporting English Learners in the CTE Classroom for CTE Math and Science Teachers” on March 5, “Integrating Robotics and Arduino into CS and STEAM Education” on March 6, and “ Soar High with Drones” on March 26. For more information on the trainings and OneSource course numbers, click here.

Call for CTE presenters: Do you have a best practice you would like to share with your peers?  Are you interested in leading a professional development? We’d love for CTE teachers to consider sharing what you are teaching and show how you’re preparing students for certifications, employment and beyond. Also, this helps empower peer collaboration by creating space and time for authentic planning and collaboration. To submit your request, click here.  

College and Career Readiness Survey: As part of the efforts to better assist students as they transition into life after high school, a districtwide survey will be administered to seniors through a course on the HUB entitled “College and Career Readiness Survey”. The information gathered in the survey will assist the College Readiness Department and will be used in an evaluation of the program by the Department of Research and Accountability. Each senior in the district will be placed in this course and assigned the survey as a task, which should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. All surveys should be completed by March 27.

TSU Summer Engineering Program: The Department of Engineering at Texas Southern University, in collaboration with the Army funded UNITE program, will be hosting its Annual Pre-College Engineering Summer Program from June 8 to July 2. The program encourages and helps prepare students to pursue a college education in engineering and related fields, as part of a national initiative to develop a talented and trained STEM workforce. Students are eligible for a $400 stipend and must apply by May 15. For more information, click here.

Prom Challenge: Do you want a chance to win $5,000 to throw a legendary prom? Prom Challenge is a new program created in p partnership between, the “When We All Vote” and “MTV’s +1thevote campaign.” Rent the Runway and other brands have joined forces to celebrate and recognize 20 high schools across the country integrating voter registration into their schools. Schools interested can apply here by sharing creative ideas for how to incorporate voter registration into their school. The goal is to register voters in your community and on your campus.  The deadline to apply is March 13. Click here for more details.

Facilities, Maintenance, and Operations vendor representative receives January Customer Service Impact Award

2020 February 20
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by HISD Communications

Facilities, Maintenance, and Operations Vendor Representative Diana Villalta thought she was in a conference room for a meeting when her supervisor surprised her with cupcakes, flowers, and a Customer Service Impact Award.

The monthly award recognizes HISD Business Operations employees who display exemplary performance, deliver fantastic customer service, and regularly go above and beyond to add value to their division and positively influence co-workers.

Code Compliance Area Manager Anne Washington nominated Villalta for the award, citing her efficient problem-solving and in-depth knowledge of permit requirements and operating procedures.

“She is a natural leader, and her organizational skills are exceptional,” Washington said. “She displays warmth, wisdom, and kindness online, over the phone, and in person. She is capable, confident, and committed to our mission of extraordinary support.”

 Villalta was instrumental in developing documentation trackers for over 300 permits and sprinkler system reports. She maintains those trackers and handles calls from campuses about trash services. She said she loves helping resolve others’ issues.

Villalta said she is ecstatic to receive this recognition and wants to encourage others who may feel overlooked.

“Be organized, have a daily to-do list,” Villalta said. “Continue working hard, even if you think no one sees everything you do behind the scenes.”