6 thoughts on “Stay connected with HISD

  1. Himanshu Shrivastava

    Hi. I am staying in Marquis at Briar Forest Apartment. My kids are in Bush Elementary School. We have heard that HISD is doing rezoning of this school and Marquis at Briar Forest may not fall under Bush anymore. We want to know if the decision been made, and if so, will the Marquis will remain under Barbara Bush or not? Our all the future plans are on hold due to this uncertainty, so can you please confirm if Marquis will be under Barbara Bush school district for the year 2015-16, so that we can plan accordingly? Thanks.

    1. HISD Communications

      We received an inquiry similar to this in August, so I checked with the district’s demographer. He indicated that the subject first came up at a community meeting held on March 6, 2014, by Greg Meyers for his constituents in District VI. A discussion began regarding the anticipated housing growth in the Bush and Daily attendance zones. Each fall, after enrollment levels out and data is compiled, administrators examine campus enrollment levels and facility utilization. Housing and growth trends are also considered.

      The demographer emphasized back in August that no specific proposals had been created on this subject yet because the school year had only just begun, but he assured me that if any were, the district would notify the schools, conduct community meetings, gather input, and post options/proposals on the website prior to any action being taken. Also, the Board of Education would have to vote on any proposal put forth, probably early in the spring semester. I checked again today, and he reported no new developments. Hope this helps allay your concerns.

      1. Preeti

        Following the news letter sent home yesterday regarding the proposed rezoning, I would like to kindly request HISD to reconsider zoning out the Lakes of Parkway subdivision. We are a community of parents who love Barbara Bush school, the staff and the sense of belonging that has been nurtured over the years. My child has attended Bush since kindergarten and wants to graduate from 5th grade from his beloved school.
        Bush Elementary is not even a mile from our house making the morning and afternoon commute much safer.
        Attending Daily school will entail crossing the very busy Eldridge parkway at peak times with kids from the ages of 5-10.
        Please do reconsider our plea.

        1. Preeti

          I am a resident of Lakes of Parkway which is currently zoned to Barbara Bush Elementary.

          I have a 7 year old who attends Bush and a 3 year old who is waiting to join his brother and walk to school.

          Grandfathering will ensure that the current students continue to go to Bush but what about their younger siblings? Yes we are thankful that the current students can attend but the true value is if the siblings are grandfathered too.
          If one child goes to Bush and other to Daily which car pool line should I go to?

          There are only about 80 kids from Lakes of parkway that attend Bush and this community is now complete so there is no contribution to overcrowding.

          Lakes if parkway has always been zoned to Bush and has invested time and effort in growing it. We are very much part of a community and have relations with the staff and the families that will still be zoned.

          I request you to kindly consider the proximity to this neighbourhood school while casting your vote.

          Thank you once again,

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