All HISD juniors will take the SAT during the regular school day on Tuesday, April 23.
To help them prepare for the test, Khan Academy has collaborated with CollegeBoard, the makers of the SAT, to create free, online personalized practice.
Students across the district have seen point increases of more than 500 points if they dedicate just 45 minutes to an hour each day on Khan Academy. According to CollegeBoard, 20 hours of SAT preparation with Khan Academy is associated with an average score increase of 115 points (nearly double the average score gain compared to students who do not use Khan Academy).
Student SAT scores are required by most two- and four-year colleges. Doing well on the SAT can secure both admission and a major scholarship—maybe even a full ride—for college.
To begin preparing for the SAT on Khan Academy, students need to link their Khan and CollegeBoard accounts. Once the two are linked, students will be directed to the areas of study on which they need to focus. Students should visit and follow the steps to create and link their accounts.
For questions or more information, contact Jennifer Ertel at / 713-967-5231. Students, click here to begin.