The Houston Independent School District wants to make sure students are responsible, active, and engaged citizens who recognize the importance of participation in elections.
HISD is encouraging eligible students to register to vote. Voting is a privilege and civic obligation. When people vote, they are empowered, and their voices are heard.
If you are a United States citizen and will be 18 before election day, which is Tuesday, November 3, then you are eligible to register. To register, go to votetexas.gov[, fill out the online registration form, and follow the instructions.
Pursuant to Texas state law, all HISD high school principals are designated high school deputy voter registrars and are required to register eligible students by distributing voter registration forms at least twice during the school year.
Voter registration cards are always available on all HISD high school campuses to encourage eligible students to register to vote.
The deadline to register to vote is Monday, October 5.
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